If you are someone who likes wacky getup then these LED eyelashes are just for you. Scientists have come up with wireless light emitting diode false eyelashes which will surely up your style game.
The eyelashes, which were showcased at this year's CES tech conference, are nothing like your regular stronghold mascaras or twirling false eyelashes. They rather have tiny bulbs emitting neon colours and can be worn in parties and concerts, where the ambience is generally dark.
The technology, created by Ritsumeikan University and Shiseido Company in Japan, uses a process called 'wireless power feeding', where power is transferred in the form of microwaves.
For the device, scientists created a small 3.5-cm-long (1.4 inch) receiver with an LED and antenna and then attached the entire thing with the commonly available false eyelashes. The eyelashes can be powered from a distance of 1.5 metres (5 feet) from the transmitter. However, researchers are working on extending the range.
If you are wondering whether wearing eyelashes which transfer microwaves are hazardous to health, worry not because these waves are lower than the level of microwaves assigned safe by the Japanese government. Thus, it will not have any harmful effects.
The group is planning another leap by applying this technology on lightweight wearable devices to enable recording of the wearer's body temperature or pulse rate.
However, this is not the first LED-light eyelashes ever made. Rather there are several versions available with different retailers. Unfortunately, some of them have warned of constant exposure to UV rays. This might lead to muscular degeneration resulting in blurred vision, blindness and other ailments.
Shiseido is also known for developing a new skincare system, called "Optune," an Internet of Things skincare system developed with a new concept, using a special machine based on on unique algorithms to satisfy skincare needs in real time.To be downloaded into a smartphone, the beta version of it will be up for a test sale in Japan beginning in the spring of 2018.