An adult company named GirlsDoPorn posted modelling offers on Craigslist with the title "beautiful college type preppy girls" needed for photo shoots, and lured unsuspecting young girls between the age of 18 to 22 by concealing the true nature of their work and ended up luring them to do porn against their will.
They repeatedly promised the girls that their videos would be available only on DVDs purchased by private collectors overseas and the identities of all the women, most of them cash-strapped college students, would not be revealed. The girls fell for the scam and ended up featuring in the videos in the hopes their identities would not be revealed.
Videos were uploaded on PornHub instead
GirlsDoPorn hired two tech savvy teenagers from New Zealand and all their videos were swiftly uploaded on PornHub and was viewed by millions of people worldwide. The girls ended up being known by people in the vicinity for their work in porn and were harassed relentlessly by several men both online and offline. The videos were sent to their parents, siblings, boyfriends, teachers, coaches, pastors among others and this threw their lives off course and led several to attempt suicide.
Justice is served
Lawyer Edward Chapin, represented the young 22 girls at the California Court in the hope of giving them justice and he delivered the best outcome as the Judge tentatively ordered the pornography company to pay $19 million to 22 young women for deceiving them into porn.
The ruling came after a trail of more than three months and GirlsDoPorn is also in a separate criminal case in which the owners along with its employees face federal sex-trafficking charges and the case is still ongoing since more than a year.
The girls are happy with the outcome
Edward Chapin, who fought for the girls at the Court said to The Washington Post that the girls are happy with the outcome. "They are happy with the outcome and, you know, what they're happy about is not the $19 million. What they're happy about is that the court vindicated them and validated their claims and their stories. And that they feel finally that someone has listened to them, because they were shamed, they were ridiculed, they were harassed."