A 46-year-old pilot at Singapore Airlines became the victim of a motorbike accident, which took place in Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, August 22 that caused his death.
Some images that showed the aftermath of the accident were circulated on a social media platform. The pictures clearly showed a heavily damages red and white coloured bike, with a registration plat FBM883B was lying on its side against the kerb. The post stated that "Help share from frens post. Happen in K.L. Rider passed away on the spot."
After the death of the pilot, Eugene Wang, a spokesperson from Singapore Airlines has expressed the airline's condolences over the incident and said that the SIA deeply regrets to confirm the news. In addition, the spokesperson also said that their immediate priority is to provide the required assistance to the family of the deceased.
However, due to some privacy issues the spokesperson denied to provide other details and said their condolence go out to the pilot's family at this time.
People started to share their deepest condolences on the Facebook profile of Wang after his wife posted that "In loving memory of my loving husband Eugene Bernard Wang 10th August 1972 - 22nd August 2018."
A user, Nik Farhana wrote, "My husband and I would like to extend our deepest condolences to u and your family. We've had an honour of knowing this wonderful man. He will be missed. May his soul Rest In Peace. - Eddy Azmi," and another Facebook user, Wilson Tan, who is a friend of the deceased stated, "RIP my friend, schoolmate, classmate, fellow perfect. Didn't have the chance to reunite with you after our schooling days. But I'm sure we will meet again 1 day in the presence of our Heavenly Father."
Another user, called Fu Kei Cheong said "Hi Gloria, Kelly and I are very sad to hear about Eugene's demise. He was a good friend and had many good laughs together. He hates art classes and the last we spoke he wanted to bring me to his neighbourhood TaiChow place to makan. He loves his kids to bits and I hope the kids will do ok. My heartfelt condolences. May he rest in peace."
While sharing old memories, a user called Azlan Christopher Abdullah said, "Our deepest condolences to you Gloria and the children. Such heartbreaking news. Eugene was my schoolmate in MBSSKL. We use to play tennis and ride bikes together. We will miss him dearly. Take care and may God grant you strength and comfort in this period of mourning. Rest In Peace Eugene."