After the title of the next instalment of the Star Wars movie was revealed, fans and critics are wondering who could possibly be the last Jedi. Mark Hamill, who was at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival for the film Brigsby Bear, talked about Star Wars.
During an interview with Uproxx, when asked about Star Wars "Episode VIII's" title, he stated the title was hinted at the opening crawl of "The Force Awakens."
Hamill stated that he was not aware of it until he received a tweet, and was quite surprised. It even left him musing as to why it was put as it indicated to his iconic character. He later thought it could be anyone like Leia, Luke, or someone else with the Skywalker bloodline as the title seem to be vague. Or even Rey can be, as Hamill seemed to have been thinking on that as well.
According to International Business Times: "The teaser photo of Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi was released online on January 23. It revealed the premiere month of the movie, shed light on the plot but what is still not known is whether Carrie Fisher will be part of it or not."
Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi is set to be released on December 15, according to the reports. Fans are eager to know what Luke Skywalker and Rey would be up to in the upcoming sequel and how do they defeat the First Order.
According to MovieWeb, there may be a flashback-laden instalment in Episode VIII, this roused the speculations that in the upcoming sequel Han Solo (Harrison Ford) could be seen once again.