Newly released footage from Nasa on Monday, 28 August, shows a spacewalk conducted by astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer at the International Space Station sometime in May 2017.On 12 May, the two astronauts participated in the 200th spacewalk performed at the ISS. It was Whitsons ninth spacewalk and Fischers first.
Singapore will collaborate with its international counterparts to create...
The best place to get a hair transplant in Turkey is Istanbul, as it hosts...
Michal Cukier said Qualifying an alternative supplier for one of the main...
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According to scientists, the asteroid came closest to Earth on Christmas...
In the late 1980s, ocean temperatures were rising at a rate of roughly...
President Trump said, "They have been waiting for many months on @Space...
According to NARIT, the meteor shower's radiant point is located between...
The annual Quadrantid meteor shower, which is currently active, will peak...
The report suggested that drinking decaffeinated coffee was associated...