From Nibiru attack to Flat Earth theory: The biggest conspiracy theories that shook the world in 2017

David Meade, a self-proclaimed Christian numerologist blindly predicted that the world will end on September 23, 2017.


2018 is just 14 days away from now, and the whole world is all set to welcome the New Year, hoping it will be more prosperous and fruitful than the past. As 2017 is coming to an end now, we at IBTimes Singapore take a glimpse back and jot down biggest conspiracy theories which shook the world in the past eleven months.

Nibiru: The killer planet

The conspiracy theory surrounding Nibiru was undoubtedly the biggest bizarre claim the world witnessed in 2017. David Meade, a self-proclaimed Christian numerologist predicted that the world will end on September 23, 2017, as rogue planet Nibiru will hit our planet with full fury. The statements of David Meade soon went viral on the Internet, and many people who believed his words even started preparing for the ultimate doomsday.

In the meantime, conspiracy theorists including Matt Rogers openly came forward and affirmed that Nibiru is real. He also added the Governments all around the world is spraying chemtrails in the sky to hide the existence of this killer planet.

And as expected, the predicted doomsday passed away uneventfully, and the world existed the same. Soon, David Meade made another startling claim regarding a seven-year tribulation period. The conspiracy theorist revealed that the world end has begun on October 15, and the world is now going through a tribulation period where we will witness natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and destructive Tsunamis.

Just days after Meade's statement, Mexico was hit by a massive earthquake, followed by large tremors in Iran and Iraq. Soon, Indonesia's Mount Agung erupted spewing kilometers of ashes and dust to the sky. Just a week back, coastal areas of Indian states, Kerala and Tamil Nadu were massively devastated by cyclone Okhi, and many people believe that these are all signs of David Meade's predictions coming true.

The fake moon landing theory

Conspiracy theories regarding the fake moon landing by the United States has been the hottest talking topic among conspiracy theories since the day Neil Armstrong set his first step on the lunar surface. But this year, conspiracy theorists put forward some solid proofs which affirmed that the US may have faked the landing.

This popular conspiracy theory was put forward by a YouTube channel named, 'Streetcap1'. On their video, they sensationally claimed that a photo captured from the lunar surface during Apollo 17, the sixth and final lunar mission, shows visor, worn by one of the astronauts, reflecting the image of a man standing on the surface of the moon without wearing a space suit. The image also indicates that the man in the reflection has also not worn the safety backpack of astronauts.

Conspiracy theorists claim that these images were taken from a Hollywood movie set, and NASA has intentionally fooled the general public by faking the moon landing.

Last year, several other conspiracy theories claimed that moon is a home to alien civilization. They also revealed that humans never returned to the moon as aliens warned us never to go there.

Flat Earth theory gaining popularity

Sometimes, our mind starts thinking in a very weird manner, and flat earth theory is one such conspiracy stuff which is meant to boggle your grey matter. A society named 'Flat Earth Society', loudly proclaims all over the Internet that the earth is flat and not round. Even Andrew Flintoff, the former England cricket Captain also believes in this theory, and on a podcast, he openly admitted that he is convinced the flat earth theory.

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