Rare footage of 12-ft giant squid caught on camera by scientists

Giant squid captured while hunting for jelly fish NOAA/Edie Widder and Nathan Robinson

A giant squid measuring 12 feet long was captured 100 miles off the coast of New Orleans when American researchers were exploring deep waters near the Gulf of Mexico waters. The specially designed 'Medusa' camera is made to appear like a bioluminescent jellyfish.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) captured the footage last week in an expedition as a part of its 'Journey into Midnight' expedition, showing a giant squid hunting for the e-jelly before wrapping its large set of arms and tentacles while attacking the device. The creature then quickly retrieves after sensing that the device is not food.

The team wrote in its blog post, that although it is uncertain to tell how big the sea creature was, it was identified as a juvenile giant squid measuring 3 to 3.7 meters (10 to 12 feet) long.

Michael Vecchione, a senior scientist of National Systematics Laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C, specialising in cephalopods in the deepwater variety also confirmed the expedition's finding and identified the creature as a giant squid.