Phillip Galea, a Melbourne man who is accused of planning terror attacks across the city is now on trial in the Supreme Court of Victoria for committing "acts in preparation for, or planning a terrorist act."
The suspect also planned to make his terror attack a documentary for other right-wing extremists to learn and follow the same path, which also includes how to make explosives. The 'how-to' guide book was almost prepared before he was arrested by the authorities.
The suspect planned to cut throats of lefties in the Melbourne CBD areas and allegedly said "I want a f***ing line of dead lefties around me."
Prosecutor Richard Maidment told the court that Galea believed 'leftists and Muslims pose a threat to society' and outlined evidence including intercepted phone calls, social media posts, browser history and text messages between him and other right-wing extremists.
During one conversation from 2016 which was played in the court, Galea can be heard saying to another extremist, let's "go around cutting throats in the city centre".
The prosecutor played another conversation to the jury in which he is heard saying ''I want to be fighter" and hope to "bring militancy" to the right-wing movement.
He vigorously searched in Google for sodium nitrate, saltpetre, gun control and other explosive materials.
The terror accused search history showed he was researching targets for attacks which includes buildings and people, as well as chemicals for explosives. He also prepared a handbook which he addresses how to plan attacks against leftists and Muslims hoping his guidelines would "lead to thousands upon thousands of terrorist acts". prosecutor Maidment said.
The suspect had planned to target the Victorian Trades Hall building in Carlton, the Melbourne Anarchist Club in Northcote and the Resistance Center in the city. He is also accused of recruiting other members to follow his dreadful terror plans.''
The prosecutor said to the court that he wanted people and groups to vanish simply because they support left-wing ideology. Phillip wanted to "reduce the influence of persons or groups associated with left-wing ideology" in Australia, the court heard.
The suspect was a member of the group Reclaim Australia which is a right-wing "patriotic" movement, as per his words.
Galea's defence lawyers are yet to put forward their case and address the jury. The trial before Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth is ongoing and continues.