TikTok has already become one of the popular social media platforms with over 500 million active users worldwide. It enables its users to become creative with short funny clips and most of the video challenges shared through this medium often go trending.
While many consider TikTok as a platform to become viral and get recognition, certain users go to any extent to become popular. After the Blue Whale, Momo, Tide Pod and Penny challenge, a new and dangerous social media challenge, which is called Skull Breaker challenge or Jump Trip prank, has started doing the rounds on TikTok or other social media.
What is Skull Breaker Challenge?

In this latest challenge, three people stand side by side. When the person in the middle jumps high, the other two kick the jumper's legs following which he/she lands on the ground. From what is seen so far in the videos doing the rounds on the Internet, the person standing in the middle seems to be unaware of this challenge and fall prey to the prank. However, most of the videos do not show what exactly happens to the victim forcing more and more people to try this challenge.
Why is Skull Breaker Challenge dangerous?
Experts suggest that this challenge can fracture every joint in a human body including a ligament tear. It can also cause many serious injuries making someone paralysed or even dead.
So far, many people have fell victim to this scary challenge, including a schoolboy from Venezuela, two teens from Canada, one from Miami, among many others sustaining injuries. In one of the cases, senior students had asked a younger student to help them with a 'really cool' TikTok video. Now, parents all over the globe are concerned about the safety of their kids, who are vulnerable to such challenges in order to become popular.
Watch the following videos to know how dangerous this Skull Breaker Challenge is:
The #skullbreakerchallenge which is currently trending on #tiktok is fatal. Please pay attention to our kids. pic.twitter.com/SQi9RPpk6j
— Nicole Wong 王晓庭 (@nicolewong89) February 14, 2020
This is the skull breaker challenge. Please please PLEASE don’t do this ?????? People have died from this (I cut the video I received from another mum)
Why do kids do these stupid things ? pic.twitter.com/WNgn2HcPTp
— ♔ Jennifer ♔ (@britishchickAD) February 14, 2020
It’s called the #trippingjumpchallenge or the #skullbreakerchallenge. Call it what you may, it’s dangerous & potentially deadly & a SFL teen & her family are considering a lawsuit after she literally fell victim to this dangerous online “trend”.
MORE: https://t.co/ByjD2C6Rql pic.twitter.com/7nkflyqWQ8
— Liane Morejon WPLG (@LianeWPLG) February 12, 2020
Warning : Skullbreaker Challenge is trending I urge you all to show your children and parents and teach them this is really dangerous. It can break skull and can cause some serious problem.#skullbreakerchallenge pic.twitter.com/OQQ8idnbfA
— Simmi Ahuja (@SimmiAhuja_) February 15, 2020
Benda bodoh yang orang buat di TikTok.
P/s: Saya terima video ini dari group WhatsApp sekolah anak. Ada ibubapa ingatkan supaya anak-anak tak terikut dengan #SkullBreakerChallenge. pic.twitter.com/Mo1CIRyHsr
— Roman Akramovich (@SyedAkramin) February 14, 2020