Coronavirus vaccine remains elusive but UN chief insists it's the only way to bring back normalcy

UN chief in a video conference says a vaccine for coronavirus is the only solution for now

China Human trial
China COVID-19 vaccine trial (Representational picture) Pixabay

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said bringing normalcy into the world facing a crisis due to coronavirus pandemic is possible only with a COVID-19 vaccine and hoped that it will be available for all the countries at least before the end of this year.

Speaking on the issue during a video conference with the African countries that are members of the United Nations, he said, "A safe and effective vaccine may be the only tool that can return the world to a sense of 'normalcy,' saving millions of lives and countless trillions of dollars,"

He called for universal global benefit stressing the need for accelerated development and accessibility to all. "We need an ambitious effort to ensure that international stakeholders operate through a harmonized, integrated and leveraged approach to maximize the speed and scale needed for the universal deployment of such a vaccine by the end of 2020," he added.

He also said that with the help of World Health Organization, the UN has helped at least 47 countries in the African continent with equipment for COVID -19 tests. He appreciated African countries and mentioned Uganda that has given traders extended deadlines to file taxes, Namibia for helping those who have lost jobs during the pandemic, Cape Verde for providing food aid and Egypt for reducing tax on industries.

Antonio Guterres
UNITED NATIONS, March 29, 2018 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a press encounter at the UN headquarters in New York, on March 29, 2018. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said here Thursday that more than ever before, climate change is posing a great threat to humanity. (Xinhua/Li Muzi/IANS) Xinhua/Li Muzi/IANS

There are a number of false news reports that claim the vaccine for COVOD-19 has been found. But officially, among the numerous research institutes that are trying to find a vaccine for coronavirus are in the testing stage still, some of them on humans.

But most of the research centres insist that it will at least need four months to get the result of the research. Amid fake news on vaccine being found, US President Donald Trump also promoted the use of Hydroxychloriquine, an anti-malarial drug as an effective medicine for coronavirus.

However, this medicine has not yet been approved by research centers or scientists as the correct medicine or vaccine for coronavirus.

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