Legendary Pornhub star Mia Khalifa's latest video went viral for all the wrong reasons after she was caught using the facemask used to scoop dog shit. Khalifa's video, which was posted on TikTok, has already gained over 8 million views before going viral on other social media platforms.
American producer and songwriter Benny Blanco @itsbennyblanco uploaded the viral video on his TikTok handle. The former porn star is seen wearing a brown pants, sweater a woollen cap as she took her dog out for a stroll.

Mia Khalifa Defends Her Act Saying She is Not an 'Anti-Masker'
At the beginning of the nearly 30- second video the dog is seen roughing out the grass after performing his task. Khalifa then removes her facemask and uses it to pick up the pile of poop left by her dog. She then takes the dogshit and dumps it in a trash can placed on the street.
It is then the things become gross. Khalifa instead of letting go of the soiled mask, uses the same again. It appears that Khalifa was little conscious of using the poop laden as mask as she is spotted scanning the area as she puts on the face mask back. The video was captioned, "I just saw @miakhalifa put poop on her face."
Yeah she buggin pic.twitter.com/4fRZTTpbCr
— 🇧🇧 (@rahm3sh) December 17, 2020
The viral video caught the fancy of Khalifa too, who commented, "At least I'm not an anti-masker." Daily Star reported that Khalifa gave an explanation for her gross action in a separate video posted on her TikTok page. "I just got back from travelling and I have to walk my dog so, safety first, everyone has to wear a mask," she said as she turned the camera to her dog, who was also seen wearing a tiny mask.
Netizens Left Disgusted by Khalifa's Shitty Act
The latest cringe worthy video of Khalifa left many users disgusted. "If that was really Mia khalifa that picked up her dogs shit with her face mask and put it back on her face... u think she will let me shit on her Lol or at least fart in her face," wrote a user.
"Um anyways I just saw a tiktok of Mia Khalifa pick up her dog's poop with her face mask then proceed to put said face mask back on her face," tweeted another.
That looks like Mia Khalifa LMAOOOO pic.twitter.com/CoQ4Z6tXSi
— Erick Fuerte (@fueriaz) December 18, 2020
"Mia Khalifa used her face mask to pick up her dogs shit and then PUT IT BACK ON HER FACE... 2020 is too much. How many more days we got left??" added other.
There were few users who also suspected the video to be a publicity stunt for both Khalifa and Blanco. "So you just randomly record knowing what about to happen? Lmao staged," wrote a user.