Christopher Naghibi - Offering High Profile Clientele a Concierge Level Service

Christopher Naghibi

Technology is the one of a select few material constructs common to all humans, regardless of geographic location. It is involved in and has altered every dynamic of life. Digital tech is used in global and local communications, economic trade, education and entertainment. Although technology has introduced a myriad of beneficial platforms and industries, it has come at the cost of sacrificing personal privacy. Whether it is social media, paparazzi, or the press, this dominating industry has granted unauthorized access into the private lives of many people. One individual, however, actively works to remain low-profile, regaining financial privacy for his


Christopher Naghibi, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Black Crown Inc., is an industry frontrunner, dominating the real estate brokerage and real estate law spaces. With over 20 years of experience, his company Black Crown Inc. and its affiliate Black Crown Law APC offer their expansive portfolio of high profile clientele a concierge level service and a world class value proposition. Versed in numerous fields of study himself, most recently with the YaleSchool of Management Global Executive Leadership Program, Naghibi has assembled an equally skilled in-house staff with expertise in every relevant area to Black Crown Inc. and Black CrownLaw APC. By combining their collective realty, property management and legal services, Black Crown Inc. clients get the highest degree of expertise protecting their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Over the years, the Yale and Trinity Law School alumnus, along with his team of attorneys, real estate agents, property managers, and general contractors have developed notoriety as one of the most esteemed real estate brokerages due to his firm's ability to capitalize and adapt to any situation. "From buying or selling homes to sourcing a myriad of different types of investment properties for our high net worth clients from across the country, we are their go-to firm," Naghibi shares. This one-of-a-kind flexibility combined with their first-rate expertise has yielded Black Crown Inc. clients in excess of $10 million in recovered costs and $20 billion dollars in closed transactions.

Being headquartered in Southern California, Naghibi has, nearly by default, a multitude of experience dealing with one of the most difficult and competitive real estate environments. By deliberately deciding to fly "under the radar," Black Crown Inc. has successfully developed a method of retaining anonymity for their clients when it comes to the paparazzi and media epicenter of the world. Along with servicing their network of celebrities and high-net worth individuals, they also partner with various national and local organizations, including Habitat for Humanity and She Built This City, to help spark discussion and generate change in regards to social injustice and social inequalities.

Although it is true that Black Crown Inc. may technically be a real estate brokerage, such a simple definition would be a disservice to the actual role they play in our society. Not only is their team seeking to protect and grow the real estate assets oftheir clientele, but they also seek to better the greater community by promoting and providing true corporate social

responsibility. You may not know the name now, but the name Christopher M. Naghibi and Black Crown Inc. are bound to leave their own lasting impact.