BeeRemote Is The Future Of Work. Here's Why.

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Gabriel Nimrod

Pre-2020, remote working was a fun idea about the future of work. In our 2021 'new normal', we know that the future is here. Now, innovative company BeeRemote is changing the game when it comes to remote working, with an all-in-one global solution for companies across the world that makes flexible working simpler than ever before.

The future of work

With the Covid-19 pandemic having quickly made flex work our new normal, businesses have accelerated their embrace of remote working at an unprecedented rate. With this adjustment, we've learned that both companies and their employees thrive in a remote working lifestyle: employees are happier, with 99% saying they'd choose to work remotely for the rest of their careers, and businesses are enjoying fewer overheads by doing away with expensive lease payments and office logistics.

But that fundamental change in how we work has happened so fast, that it has come without remote working solutions in place to keep up with our lifestyle shift. Until now. Enter: BeeRemote's innovative global solution for flexible working.

Aimed at startups as well as larger companies, BeeRemote's smart hub makes it simple for companies to support their employees working remotely anywhere in the world, unlike any that have come before it. Since it launched in 2020, BeeRemote has been providing businesses across the globe with their own simple end-to-end solution, on a dedicated platform, customized to the company's needs, which employees can access anywhere.

Global co-working spaces made simple

Remember, remote working isn't just about working from home. One of the most exciting things about this innovative new service is that it covers physical co-working spaces, too. BeeRemote gives a company's employees access to more than 1000 state-of-the-art offices in the best locations across the world, from London to New York, to Tokyo, Bali, Singapore and beyond. Employees can book their working space in any of them, so, whether living there or traveling, they'll always have a perfect base.

The future of employee benefits

So what do employee benefits look like when a company's workforce is spread across the world? BeeRemote has a new answer to this too, with a global benefits marketplace.

The solution is a perfect example of the future of employee benefits when the workforce is spread remotely across the globe.

With this platform, a company gets their own lifestyle benefits marketplace, customized to their own needs and budget and complete with experiences, services and hundreds of world-famous brands such as Apple, Amazon & Uber Eats in addition to local businesses such as yoga studios, gyms, restaurants and more.

Companies are given their own branded form of 'currency' on the platform, which they can give as an allowance to their staff. The employees can then choose the benefits they want to spend it on, which they can choose for their relevance depending on their preference and where they are in the world. This means wherever a business' employees may be, their benefits go where they are – with no extra admin.

Even BeeRemote's subscription model is interesting: it's flexible, so as a company, you can pay as you go with the service, risk-free. BeeRemote's philosophy of remote working is all about flexibility - in remote working solutions, as much as the new-normal of work itself.

"Our goal is to simplify flexible working and make it accessible to all," explains Gabriel Nimrod, CEO and Co-founder of BeeRemote.

"Right now, the world is experiencing a telecommuting revolution. It will affect both our personal lives and business behavior, as millions of people around the globe learn how to work remotely," adds Nimrod, "Companies must now adapt to the new reality and will be challenged to maintain their goals and efficiency while letting employees work in a flexible environment. We believe that BeeRemote will enable employees to balance their professional and personal goals while keeping their productivity high."

This article was first published on February 18, 2021