Marc Effron, A Man Who Has Changed Over 10,000 Lives

Marc Effron

Helping and improving the lives of others is the first step to make the world a better place to live in. One such person committed to improving the lives of people around him is Marc Ryan Effron, a proud father, mentor, personal development coach, and a man who passionately supports and empowers people to live the lives they were destined to live.

Here is how Marc's journey started

By the age of 24, Effron was the Vice President of a major investment company. He experienced great success but never felt fulfilled by the work. Behind his shiny white smile and luxury car, Marc was hurting. Pain perhaps caused by his troublesome childhood. By the age of 30, he was estranged from his family, became homeless, drug abuse, and alcoholic, his life spiraled out of control.

After several attempts at getting clean and many treatment facilities, he was able to pull himself out of this darkest place of his life. The decision to open a treatment center was personal for him, as after more than a decade of personal sobriety and involvement in loved ones' recovery journeys, he believed that there was an acute need for a more personalized and holistic approach to healing from addiction.

How Legacy Grew

From his experience visiting multiple treatment centers, Marc believed the one thing they all lacked was a more personalized and holistic approach to healing. He set up the facility in South Florida and planned on making the revolutionary new treatment center one that focused on curing the underlying problems rather than masking the symptoms. Marc has ensured the programs are so thorough he would be able to send his own children through them if the need was ever to exist.

Starting as a three-bed pilot program, Legacy Health Center grew into a massive success, now featuring a multi-state treatment program with over 155 beds and powered by over 200 well-looked-after employees. The facility has managed to help over 10,000 individuals get back to their feet using peer support that Mr. Effron describes as "ladies and gentlemen caring for ladies and gentlemen". Legacy Health Center also contracts with large corporations such as American Airlines to provide corporate mental health training.

What's To Come For Legacy

Marc has a vision of spreading his treatment center to every State within the country. The goal is to treat as many patients as possible through a holistic approach. Since founding the Legacy Healing Center, Marc has treated over 10,000 patients with their services.

After losing it all and finally finding his calling, Marc continues to make an impact around the world through the facility, his motivational speaking, and personal development coaching.

We look forward to seeing what the rest of 2020 has for Marc and his team at Legacy.

You can find out more from Marc on his Instagram.