Jay Jones - the man every company is trying to hire to boost their online presence

 Jay Jones

Social media is an ever growing market with more and more people joining in on the hottest of trends. It has become the perfect marketplace for brands to promote themselves and nowadays, there are individuals and companies that help brands create and boost their social presence.

One such individual is Jay Jones, a social media marketing genius who has been making headlines with his work. Jay is the founder of Instant Marketing, a company that does social media marketing for small scale brands and also for multinational companies.

Only 23 years old, Jay was born and brought up in Shropshire, United Kingdom. Before starting his company, Jay used to trade in stocks and shares but he got out of it when the Covid-19 pandemic.

When he was asked about why he chose to start social media marketing, he shared, "At the beginning of the pandemic I noticed a lot of businesses were struggling, desperately paying thousands of pounds on promotion with nothing to show for it. After a lot of thought, I knew there was a niche in the market that I could target and ultimately I could help grow. Therefore I started reaching out to businesses via any way that I possibly could, proposing how I could help scale their business, brand and social media presence."

Jay often works with various A-list celebrities and helps brands create a strong social media presence by capitalising on the latest and hottest trends that take over the internet.

In a very short span of time, Jay, with his company has achieved and worked with more companies than most companies do in years.

We wish all the best to Jay with his future ventures as he makes his way to the top.