We were wondering why Instagram giveaways are not as hot as we might have thought? We can shed some light on why.
Instagram giveaways have long since acted as a staple of those that want to grow their Instagram following. Recently, the performance of these giveaways hasn't been as good as it once was. Today, we are here to discuss why that might be and share a few alternative ways to grow your reach on Instagram without losing product.
Instagram Giveaways are Hurting your Growth Potential
Many SMEs think that a great way to attract new followers is to hold Instagram giveaways. During the giveaway, it is customary for the brand to announce a free item to those that perform specific actions. Usually, the activities involve liking, sharing, or posting your story. Using a hashtag and tagging the brand are also associated with the giveaway.
The truth is that this may be doing more damage to your reputation than good. While it is highly plausible that a giveaway would attract new followers, it also annoys the ones you already have. If they like you, and share you, and post you to their story, it is like asking someone who is already at the party to come to the party with you... it's annoying and, for some customers, it's just too much to ask.
Your brand then becomes synonymous with all those myriads of 'free giveaway' firms on social media platforms who, in fact, never give anything away. We have all seen them... "we will give away a holiday to one lucky person", and so on. The last thing you want is for your brand to be associated with this negativity.
So, given that consumers find Instagram giveaways annoying, what other tricks can we use to gain followers overnight on our social media accounts?
Other Ways to Grow your Following Fast
Instead of using the giveaway model to garner new followers, try these tips, instead.
Create a Content Strategy
Making sure you have a social media strategy in place for your Instagram accounts will help you immensely in this area. Planning to show users content regularly allows you to create an online space that cultivates corporate trust and brand recognition. You can learn how to build a viable social media marketing plan over on Hootsuite.
Always Be Consistent
Being consistent with your posts, posting regularly, and engaging with any given online social media platform, are ways to create consistent online content that helps get noticed. Whether you post every day or once a week, the fact that you do it reliably is more important than almost any other aspect except the content quality.
Call in the Experts
Last but not least, if these natural growth methods sound too time consuming for you, there is still hope. Call in the expert social media marketing team over at Fresh Engagements, and they will be able to help with every aspect of your online branding journey. Sometimes, it's not what you know but who you know... and never was that more accurate than it is in the world of social media marketing.