Exclusive: PAC Protocol Could Have Prevented T-Mobile and Microsoft Hack, Explains David Gokhshtein

Just a few days ago, America's network operator T-Mobile was hacked and the scammers exposed sensitive information of more than 50 million current, former and prospective customers and leaked details about customers names, addresses, social security numbers, driver's licenses and ID information.

CEO Mike Sievert in a statement said that he was ''truly sorry'' about the hack as the company ''didn't live up to the expectations to protect our customers.''

PAC Protocol
Twitter / PAC Protocol

The same week saw hackers break into Microsoft's Cloud Database and the intruders had the ability to read, change or delete their main cloud computing databases as they had the access keys to control the databases of thousands of companies worldwide.

Microsoft immediately sent out emails to their users informing them about the cloud computing hack and urged customers to quickly change their keys to something new and reportedly paid Wiz $40,000 for finding the flaw and reporting it.

PAC Protocol Could Have Prevented The Hack

The founder of Gokhshtein Media and CEO of PAC Protocol, David Gokhshtein, spoke exclusively to The International Business Times about the hacks on T-Mobile and Microsoft and said that PAC Protocol could have prevented the data breach as their technology is built to withstand hacks and create a safe environment for users.

''PAC Protocol could have prevented it all (hacks) as our yanDNA is built with IPFS technology and all this stuff happening — we can prevent it,'' he said.

David Gokhshtein PAC Protocol Coin Cryptocurrency
Twitter / David Gokhshtein

David stressed on the importance of yanDNA's security by saying, ''If companies like T Mobile and Microsoft were using our solution, the current situation (data leaks) wouldn't have happened.''

''yanDNA is important because it gives you the ability to control your own data. yanDNA is a product produced by PAC to solve the problem with data storage. PAC Protocol is also the second largest masternode network on the blockchain,'' he said.

David also revealed exclusively to The International Business Times that PAC would help create products that are on the Polygon Network. ''PAC Protocol is excited to help create backend solution for products that are built on Polygon,'' he said.

Hacks have become increasingly common as just yesterday, trading platform Bilaxy was hacked by scammers and stole from around 300 cryptocurrencies worth $450 million and a few weeks ago, a hacker broke into Polygon Network and made away with $650 million but eventually returned the amount as all the hackers wallets were freezed.

PAC Protocol at the time of publishing was trading at $0.006399 and is up +7.07 in the days trade.