Fact Check: Arrest Warrant Issued Against Pope Francis by International Court; $10,000 Reward Announced?

A claim suggesting that an arrest warrant has been issued against Pope Francis by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) is a hoax. The viral claim was fuelled by a video and articles shared on multiple social media platforms.

It isn't the first time that hoax news regarding the arrest of the Pope has surfaced. Earlier, a fake report regarding the arrest of Pope Francis getting "arrested" went viral in January, this year.

arrest warra
Viral image of the 'arrest warrant' issued against Pope Francis. Twitter

$10,000 Reward Announced For Pope's Capture?

The recent claim emerged in a video which was uploaded on BitChute on November 1. Murder by Decree also carried an article claiming the same. The article headlined, "BREAKING GLOBAL NEWS – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2021–ARREST ORDER AND WARRANT ISSUED AGAINST POPE FRANCIS BY INTERNATIONAL COURT – $10,000 REWARD AND AMNESTY OFFERED TO DETAIN JORGE BERGOGLIO FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY," is authored by Kevin Annett.

"The court that forced the resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013 has issued an Arrest Order and Warrant against Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) for Crimes against Humanity, along with a $10,000 reward for his capture," read the article.

The outlet further claimed that the ICLCJ issued the Order and reward along with an offer of amnesty from prosecution to any Catholic official or clergy who assists in the detaining of Bergoglio.

The website even published the Court statement that accompanied its Order."Our Prosecutor has in his possession documented evidence and eyewitness affidavits..." the hoax claim states.

Social Media Falls Prey to the Hoax

Debunking the sensational claims made in the viral video and article, Reuters reported that these claims are unfounded.

Stating that Annett is a former pastor who was removed from his ministry in 1997 for spreading conspiracy theories, the outlet claimed that 'neither the ICLCJ or ITCCS have any legal standing, and both appear to be inventions of the former pastor.'

Despite the claim being baseless, it was widely discussed and shared by the social media users. "And look some news is leaking calling for the arrest of Pope Francis however the ICOJ whom is prosecuting is also illuminati too so CONFLICT OF INTEREST much? I will build the new infrastructure for the USA and the World not being part of the corrupt illuminati," tweeted a user.

"Arrest warrant for Pope Francis? Is this for real?" wrote a user as another added, "Is there anybody out there who isn't corrupt or a deviant?

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