How to Start a Business Housing Orphaned Refugee Children According to Kimberly Ms. MTV

Kimberly Ms. MTV

Kimberly Ms. MTV always had a passion to end homelessness around the world. She is starting with helping organizations house orphaned children in Texas. The mission is to build accredited general residential operations and treatment programs that provide a safe and loving environment for abused, neglected, and exploited children around the country and then the world.

In Texas, foster children lacked placement and were sleeping in offices. The housing shortage for abused, neglected, and/or exploited children was compounded with tens of thousands of refugee children migrating to Texas.
To help alleviate the housing shortage for foster children, Kimberly Ms. MTV attended graduate school in 2012 to obtain a masters degree in 2015 from Liberty University (the world's largest Christian University). The ultimate mission of Liberty University is on their website, "Maintaining the vision of the founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University develops Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact the world."
Kimberly Ms. MTV became inspired while watching a Liberty Live Convocation dated October 13, 2021, the speaker was Matthew Barnett, Founder of the Dream Center. They provide social services, treatment housing assistance, and resources for people in need. They are based in Los Angeles, California transforming lives and rebuilding communities. Barnett spoke about being called by God to be homeless on Skid Row by camping out for days and ministering. Kimberly Ms. MTV stated, "I was called by God to walk the street homeless and was placed in a mental hospital by police. The hospital staff retrained me, injected me with drugs and gave me multiple false diagnoses. I had an opportunity to see how homeless people are mistreated and victimized. I really felt violated. I know I had to go through that to understand the importance of helping people without a voice. So many are being mistreated."
While working at Cumberland Hospital in New Kent, Virginia Kimberly Ms. MTV reported she was targeted by upper management for raising concerns of serious allegations for the safety of the children in care. She was terminated and interviewed by WTVR CBS 6 investigative journalist Laura French. Since the interview aired, multiple staff and former patients have shared abuse allegations that patients suffered while receiving treatment in the Virginia hospital.
Kimberly Ms. MTV stated, "My role is to act as a master's level licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed child-care administrator (LCCA), licensed chemical dependency counselor (LCDC, and associate sex offender treatment provider (ASOPT) soon to be Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider (LSOTP). With my credentials, I help agencies to build programs that protect children and help to end the bed shortage of orphaned children in Texas."
Kimberly reported organizations should have about 100K or more in start up costs. A license is obtained in about one year. When children are placed in the facility, funding is available with reimbursement rates. General residential operations receive $45.19 per diem per child up to $1060 per diem per child. An organization housing 30 children would receive about $1,300 to $31,000 per day and almost $500,000 to over $11 Million per year in funding. Non-Profit organizations also receive donations. Kimberly has experience managing agencies housing hundreds of children.

Kimberly Ms. MTV desires to help organizations to be successful by exceeding state standards while providing great quality care to orphaned children. She reported her humanitarian efforts are inspired by the rapper 50 Cent's philanthropic efforts. She spiritually married the rapper on April 23, 2020 and also goes by Mrs. 50 Cent. They both reside in Houston, TX.