Social media erupted into a fit of rage after it was announced on Tuesday, November 23, that Waukesha car 'attack' suspect Darrell Brooks' bail has been set at $5 million cash. Brooks, 39, is accused of plowing his speeding SUV into a crowd gathered for a Christmas parade, killing 5 and injuring at least 48 others in the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin on Sunday, November 21. Brooks is charged with 5 counts of first-degree intentional homicide.
Brooks' bail amount did not go well with social media as people questioned why is a bail set in the first place given his criminal history. It is important to note here that Brooks, 39, was out on $1,000 bail just two days ago when he crashed into the parade. The Milwaukee DA, John Chisholm had also received flak for granting bail to Brooks on an 'inappropriately low' amount.
Darrell Brooks is said to have a long rap sheet. He has faced conviction on a number of criminal charges including drug possession, obstructing an officer, and battery, records stated. According to Wisconsin Right Now, a number of open felony charges were filed against him in Milwaukee courts on November 5, 2021. Brooks reportedly posted bail with $1000 cash on Friday, November 19.

$5 million Bail
Judge Kevin Costello, who set Brooks' $5 million bail, noted that amount was 'extraordinarily high' for an 'indigent' Brooks, according to the DailyMail. Critics, however, were quick to point out that it was 'not impossible' to crowdfund the bail amount just like Kyle Rittenhouse did when his bail amount was set at $2 million in connection with the Kenosha shootings.
It is not clear why the judge did not deny Brooks bail altogether on the basis of his criminal history. Brooks' next court appearance is scheduled in January 2022, until then, he would be in custody unless he makes bail.
Why is there Bail in the First Place?
Twitterati slammed judge Kevin Costello's move of setting Brooks' bail amount to $5 million despite his record of 'fleeing' and a 'mile-long rap sheet.' "Why is he getting bail at all? So f**king wrong," one person tweeted.
"Darrell Brooks can get out on $5 million bail! What! How about no bail? This is just plain nuts," wrote another person.
The judge set bail for Darrell Brooks at $5 million despite him having a record of fleeing and a rap sheet a mile long. He should get NO BAIL!! Period…POINT FN BLANK!
— 🔥Original Cin-City Patriot🔥🦅 (@BooksInReverse) November 24, 2021
Darrell Brooks was arraigned today in Waukesha...5 adults & 1 child dead, and multiple ppl injured. $5 million dollar cash bail set. Why is there bail in the first place?
— Christy Waters (@ThatChristyChic) November 23, 2021
Darrell Brooks ran over more than 40 people, and has killed 5 of them SO FAR.
— Chandler Crump: I Saw Biden... (@realCCrump) November 23, 2021
5 Million Dollar bail.
J6 Protestors killed 0 people, peacefully protested
Darrell Brooks charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide, bail set at $5 million. Why is he getting bail at all? so fucking wrong.
— BOB ORILEE (@BOBORILEE) November 24, 2021
Okay call me crazy but did I hear right? Darrell Brooks Can get out on a 5 million dollar bail! What! How about no bail. This is just plain nuts. A child died tonight and he has bail! That makes 6 people dead and countless others hurt. Something is very wrong with this picture!
— Patriot warrior (@1JeanieG) November 24, 2021