Bodybuilding is one sport that requires dedication, focus, and intense hard work which is not easy for many who leave the arena in between as they are not able to cope up with its extremities. However, some individuals take up the challenge and prove to be the best in the field, We have many Indian athletes who have done exceptionally well in the field of fitness and bodybuilding.
Deepali Ogale is one such professional who has broken all barriers and emerged as a fine fitness professional who has taken over the industry with her excellence in the sport.
Talking about her foray into this competitive world, Deepali says that she was always drawn towards fitness right from her early days when she was actively involved in sports having won more than 90 medals in numerous sports events like 400 m relay, javelin throw, discus throw, 100 m run and 200 m run. To maintain top physical form she somehow got hooked on bodybuilding and that kick-started her long journey that brought her to such pinnacles of success.
Though the road to success was not easy and there were numerous setbacks and challenges to be taken care of before she tasted success.
She has won numerous awards during her professional career as a bodybuilder till date, which includes winning the National Level Bikini Athlete competition and the Miss Maharashtra 2020 title organized by IBBF (Indian Body Building Federation). Furthermore, she has also been a runner-up in Miss India 2019 competition. Talking about her accomplishments, she says, "I have been a part of ten such prestigious competitions and have never stepped down any competitive stage without winning a trophy or a medal till date, and I'm extremely proud of it."
She is focused on the 54th Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Championship, which will be held on 15th July 2022, and is confident of grabbing the gold. Looking at her form, she might make this come true as well without any doubts. Apart from being a competitive bodybuilder, Deepali is also a fitness coach having trained a number of people under her and she has also been a part of the popular reality show on MTV - Love School, Season 3. Deepali says that she is immensely satisfied by the way her career has shaped up and is looking forward to achieving more milestones going ahead in life.
To know more, follow her on www.instagram.com/deepali.ogale