Jerry Nadler Vs Carolyn Maloney: NY Congressional Primary Becomes Unpredictable for Top Gun Democrats

A New York Court has imposed newly defined district lines, resulting in a verbal dual between heavy weight Democrats Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney.

Following the redistricting of NY, both Nadler and Maloney have been forced to contest for the same district in Manhattan.

The supporters of the Democratic Party have objected to this "newly defined district lines" stating that this is an attempt to sabotage their chances of winning. Also, they have blamed the Republican Party and its allies of having manipulated the finals drawings that demarcated the district lines.

At the same time, there is a clear divide between supporters and detractors of Nadler and Maloney who have gone to every extend to defend their respective "star".

Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney

NY Court's Decision Favors Democracy

However, the Republican party supporters have welcomed the decision calling it "favorable" to the democratic fabric of the country. They further added that this timely decision has dashed the hopes of Democrats to rig the elections.

According to a report published by The Washington Times, soon after the new map was published, Maloney tweeted: "Too often qualified and accomplished women have been told to stand aside for the sake of men's egos.... But I have a lifetime of experience standing up to powerful men."

Replying to Maloney's tweet, Nadler wrote: "I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue steadfastly serving the West Side and eager to introduce myself—and my record of principled leadership—more fully, to neighboring communities of the East Side."

A Twitter user while replying to @BrianLehrer @brigidbergin and @JonCampbellNY wrote," Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler should both give up running. They are both too old. Do they think that anyone younger than they (76 & 74) is too inexperienced? Don't they recognize NYC has loads of talent? Thank you and goodbye, Jerry and Carolyn, please!"

Replying to @Cantkeepquiet3 @realBenShapero and @EricJafMN another Twitter user shared, "Carolyn Maloney & Jerry Nadler are now running against each other bcs their districts changed. There's no plot against populist candidates. NY has become messy bcs of redistricting. You should be more concerned about the fact that Rs now have more opportunities to pick up seats."