Lyrid Meteor Shower 2023; When and Where to Watch Rare Celestial Phenomenon?

The Lyrid Meteor shower is a spectacular celestial sighting that is seen every year between 16-25th April every year. If you also want to see shooting stars this year Lyrid Shower is an ideal thing to see. The Lyrid meteor shower will peak on 22-23 April this year. For unversed here are the complete details of this unique celestial occurrence

Meteor shower
Christina H Koch/Twitter

What is the Lyrid Meteor Shower?

One of the oldest meteors that produce bright fireballs, this is caused by Comet Thatcher which orbits the sun every 415 years. The Lyrids, named after the constellation Lyra, are one of the oldest documented meteor showers—the shower was spotted about 2,500 years ago, according to some historical Chinese literature.

These are known to produce a large number of "fireballs," which are exceptionally brilliant meteors that are nearly the same brightness as Venus. Each one moves at a speed of 29 miles/47 km per second. Around its zenithal hour, expect around 18 "shooting stars" every hour.

Meteor shower
Meteor shower Pixabay

When is the Lyrid Meteor Shower?

According to the American Meteor Society this year Lyrid meteor shower will peak on the 22nd and 23rd of April. According to the description, it is "a medium strength shower that usually produces good rates for three nights centered on the maximum." While the peak night should be prioritized, there may be some intermittent activity anytime in late April—certainly on Friday through Saturday and Sunday through Monday.

Best Time to see Lyrid Meteor Shower

The peak of the Lyrids meteor shower this year is estimated to take place in the early hours of Sunday. The celestial display is expected to peak at 21.06 EDT on Saturday. No special equipment is required to see the Lyrid Shower only a clear sky is needed.