Who was Uma Satya Sai Gadde? 10th Indian Student's 'Mysterious' Death in the USA Sparks Safety Concerns, Probe Launched

Indian Consulate in New York confirmed Gadde's death and pledged support to his family during this difficult time.

The tragic passing of another Indian student Uma Satya Sai Gadde studying in Ohio, USA, has drawn attention to safety concerns for international students in the United States. Gadde is 10th Indian student died in the USA in 2024 besides few more deaths of Indian origin individuals.

Indian student died in USA

Who was Uma Satya Sai Gadde?

Uma Satya Sai Gadde, a student in Cleveland, Ohio, met an untimely demise, leaving a significant impact on those who knew him. Gadde was found dead under 'mysterious circumstances', Probe on his death have been launched in Ohio, however the cause of death has not been revealed by the authorities. Not much is known yet in what circumstances and where was he found dead.

Police launched probe
A probe has been launched in the USA regarding Indian student at Uma Satya Sai Gadde's death. X

The Official Response

The Indian Consulate in New York confirmed Gadde's death and pledged support to his family during this difficult time.

In a social media post, the Consulate expressed deep sorrow over Gadde's passing and vowed to provide ongoing assistance. They also assured the family of their commitment to staying in touch and facilitating the transportation of Gadde's remains back to India.

Previous Deaths Raise Concerns

Gadde's death marks the tenth such incident this year, highlighting a worrying trend of Indian-origin student fatalities in the US. Mohammed Abdul Arafat, another Indian student, went missing in March under similar mysterious circumstances, with his family receiving a ransom demand later on. Beside Gadde the list of Indian students/Indian origin individuals includes Sameer Kamath and Amarnath Ghosh, Neel Acharya and Vivek Saini. The recent attack on Vivek Taneja in Washington has made these concerns even more serious for the Indian community.

These incidents have prompted discussions among officials from the Indian Embassy in Washington and its consulates across the nation. Approximately 150 Indian Student Association office bearers and students from 90 US universities participated in a virtual meeting, aiming to address student well-being and foster connections within the diaspora.

Gadde's tragic death underscores the need for enhanced safety measures and support systems for international students in the US. Authorities must thoroughly investigate these incidents and implement measures to ensure the safety of all students, regardless of their background. As investigations continue, collaborative efforts are essential in creating safer environments for students pursuing education abroad.