Where Is Biden? Is He Unwell? Top Political Leaders Ask for Proof on Biden's Health after His Disappearance Since Dropping Out of 2024 Race

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 37, took to X on Monday, demanding "proof of life" from the 81-year-old president and even set a deadline for him to provide it.

Political figures from both sides of the aisle have raised concerns about whether Biden is seriously ill or even dead following his announcement about withdrawing from the 2024 election race. Biden announced on Sunday that he was dropping out and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris's candidacy.

So, who now is who will step up to replace him and challenge Republican nominee Donald Trump in the presidential race this November? Biden's decision has placed the Democrats in an unprecedented position. Democratic Party delegates are set to meet on August 19 at the Democratic National Convention, where they will vote to choose Biden's successor, with Kamala Harris already being endorsed by many.

Biden Disappears after Withdrawing

WHCD 2022
US President Joe Biden Twitter

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 37, took to X on Monday, demanding "proof of life" from the 81-year-old president and even set a deadline for him to provide it. "He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable."

Journalist Glenn Greenwald, a left-leaning critic of Biden, also expressed his concerns on the social media site, describing it as "strange and wrong" that Biden had not made a televised announcement.

Lauren Boebert
Lauren Boebert X

Greenwald posted: "I don't endorse Biden conspiracies, but still: It's strange and wrong that Biden hasn't spoken given the historic magnitude of his announcement.

"Having a President drop out by tweet and then disappear is bizarre. If he's well enough to decide, then he's well enough to speak."

Alongside Boebert, her fellow GOP representative Marjorie Taylor Greene also framed Biden's decision to withdraw in similarly conspiratorial terms.

Alongside Boebert, her fellow GOP representative Marjorie Taylor Greene described Biden's decision to drop out in similar conspiratorial terms.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Marjorie Taylor Greene X

Greene wrote on X saying: "There's a soft civil war happening in the deep state and the elites in power.

"The Democrats, the IC, and their activists in the media have been lying to us saying there's nothing wrong with Biden for years.

"Next, they start a coup against him demanding he drop out of the race when they couldn't hide it anymore."

Biden Unwell

Biden's campaign ultimately ended due to health concerns following a disastrous debate against Donald Trump, 78, last month. Fears about his health were further fueled after his younger brother said that it had influenced Biden's decision to withdraw.

Biden speech
Joe Biden Twitter

In an interview with CBS, Frank Biden, the president's younger brother, indicated that the president's health influenced his decision to step down. He told the outlet: "I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left."

This phrasing led Ackman and others to speculate that Biden might have an undisclosed health issue.

A leading Parkinson's disease specialist has visited the White House several times this year, though officials have maintained that Biden is in good health.

"He is a genuine hero, country over self, it sounds corny in our cynical political environment but he nor I are cynical," Frank's statement continued.

"The goal remains the same, defeat Trump and continue the work that Joe has done. My hope is that our party rally's around this heroic act."

The president has been isolating with Covid-19 at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, while his team prepared the letter.

On Saturday evening, Biden brought in two long-time advisers, Steve Ricchetti and Mike Donilon, who had been with him since his political beginnings.

Donald Trump
Former president Donald Trump X

Ricchetti and Donilon presented Biden with alarming new data that played a crucial role in his decision. They shared the most recent internal campaign polling taken since the debate, which indicated he could no longer win against Trump.

Following this, Biden made his decision and instructed Ricchetti and Donilon to draft a resignation letter and plan the public announcement. He also began informing his family.

After Biden's announcement, Kamala Harris declared her intention to run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

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