Alexsia Saldaris and Jennifer Larson: Two High School Teachers Resign after Asking Students for Foursome While One Sent Students Her Photos in Lingerie

Both teachers messaged the student expressing a desire to cuddle and "have fun" with him, and asked if another student could join.

Two female high school teachers had to resign after being accused of attempting to arrange a foursome with students. Alexsia Saldaris resigned from Joseph Craig High School in Janesville, Wisconsin, on April 22, and Jennifer Larson on May 14 following an investigation by the school district.

Both teachers were on a school trip with a male student from April 7 to 9, and the investigation uncovered incriminating Snapchat messages they had sent to him. Saldaris admitted to sending the student five photos of herself in lingerie and kissing him during the trip, according to the district's report summary. Both the teachers have since been facing severe backlash from the parents.

Sex with Student

Alexsia Saldaris
Alexsia Saldaris X

Larson admitted to exchanging messages with the student that involved cuddling, flirting, and suggesting alcohol was involved. Both teachers messaged the student expressing a desire to cuddle and "have fun" with him, and asked if another student could join.

Saldaris then met the student on April 9 and gave him the keys to a school district van used on the trip so he could "take laps" of the car park.

While she was changing her shoes in the back of the van, they kissed, according to the report summary.

That evening, she sent racy photos to the student and made plans in Snapchat messages to meet the next weekend.

Nothing further happened between any of the trio that weekend, but the situation started to unravel the day after the trip.

Larson said her colleague to Craig High Principal Alison Bjoin for allowing the student to drive the van.

In response, Saldaris sent the student a Snapchat message the next morning stating that the "relationship" needed to end, according to the report summary.

Finally Got Caught

Jennifer Larson
Jennifer Larson X

On the morning of April 11, another teacher encountered a group of students laughing around a phone and saw the photos of Saldaris. The teacher immediately went to Bjoin, saying she was "95 percent sure" that the photos the students were laughing at were of Saldaris in lingerie.

School officials confronted the teachers as they learned more about the situation, and both admitted to their actions.

They were placed on administrative leave on April 12, and the school district initiated its investigation.

Larson worked as Craig High's advisor for the Wisconsin DCEA, a program for student future leaders and entrepreneurs, which Saldaris was involved in as a student.

According to the report, a teacher who discovered the Snapchat messages and the teachers' conduct on the trip informed some "prominent" local residents, who then notified the school district.

Larson also admitted to telling a male student on another occasion that a girl he was seeing wasn't "good enough" for him.

The Janesville Police Department is conducting an investigation to determine if any crimes were committed.