Ally Lozano Built a 7 Figure Law Firm And Now Helps Other Women Do the Same

Ally Lozano

When Ally Lozano got her start as a young lawyer working for a firm, she soon started discovering some of the challenges that female attorneys face in advancing their career. Making partnership status at a large firm and reaching financial freedom is tough-- it's even tougher for women who also want to raise a family. It was while being seven months pregnant that Ally realized she needed to change her career trajectory if she was going to make it as a lawyer and still have a family life at the same time. That's when she decided to take an enormous risk and start her own solo practice.

An immense learning curve ensued as Ally had to learn how to build her business from scratch while raising a family. When she first started, she was making just $40,000 per year. Within several months, she grew that to six figures. Two years later, she reached the million dollar mark. Today, as a mom of 5, her law practice has reached seven figures per month. But the lessons she learned along the way couldn't go to waste. So Ally began coaching other female lawyers who wanted to also carve out their own path in an industry that is still male-dominated and difficult to find life balance in. We sat down with Ally to learn about her journey and her advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs.

How did you begin your career as a lawyer?

I traveled to Belize when I was a teenager and saw poverty for the first time. I wanted to work in international human rights. However, I realized that the best way that I could work to advance human rights was through working as an immigration attorney. I represented undocumented immigrants in the US who risked everything to come to the US and have a better life.

What challenges did you face advancing your law career early on?

One of my biggest challenges was that I had no idea how to run a successful business. Part of that was because I did not see a law firm as a business-- I saw it merely as a way to do work I loved. Once I realized that a law firm is a business, I took immediate steps to become the CEO. I then grew my law firm to 7-figures in two years and then 8-figures three years after that.

When did you realize that you wanted to take the entrepreneurial route of launching your own practice?

Though I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, I disliked following the typical law firm way of running things. I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to try and I did not want to be under the burden of someone else's old-fashioned ideas and strategies. Once I was free from an employer, I was free to start to test, implement, and try things. It was rocky at first since I did not know how to run a business, but I taught myself quickly and then I was able to soar.

How did you get your first few clients?

The main way that I get clients is social media- and in particular, Facebook. I post videos, go live, and engage with my audience. The key is to keep showing up for the people who need to hear from you.

What was the biggest challenge during the first year of your new practice?

My biggest challenge was not knowing how to run a law firm like a business. I decided to start reading every single business book I could so that way I could apply them to my law firm. I like to say I am a self-taught businesswoman. And that is how I have built an 8-figure business.

What are some of the marketing lessons you wish you knew sooner?

Be consistent and be everywhere. If you don't show up, and if you don't show up consistently, then your marketing efforts will never work.

What stops most lawyers from launching their own firm?

Fear. Fear is what stops most people from launching a business. You have to just take the leap. You will make a million mistakes, and it will never be perfect. All you need to do is just start and then you can figure everything out from there.

If you were launching a new practice from scratch right now, what would be your first moves?

My first moves would be to create a Facebook page, Instagram page, and Tiktok account as well as getting a good website. I would run ads, make videos, and go live every single day. This is the simple strategy that anyone can use to make a 6- 7- and 8- figure business, regardless of the industry. The commitment is the hard part, but once you get committed to it, the money will flow.