Andrew Hager is transforming the lives of Drug Addicts positively with the help of Boca Recovery Center

Andrew Hager

There is a popular saying in English that when life throws at you a lemon, make a lemonade. Though it is absolutely true, life doesn't work on these lines. Life is a perfect amalgamation of courage, passion, patience, and determination. And when either of these is missing from your life, it can cause sheer havoc. Andrew Hager is the living example of how you can win from any situation in your life, and emerge as a fighter. Let's dig deeper into the inspirational life story of Andrew.

Andrew is born in a middle-class joint family in Lexington, Kentucky. In his early childhood, Andrew was just like any other normal child who laughs at silly things, has fun with friends, and jumps without any reason. But it's in his teenage that he came across a few people who were involved with drug consumption.

As soon as he met these people, Andrew started feeling the need to try different types of drugs. It didn't take long when he became a drug addict and he started spending most of his day with these people. Meeting up with new drug addicts, exploring new places to consume drugs has become the common deed of Andrew.

He started involving unlawful activities and at times has also been caught by police. One such policeman was Teddy Melton, who closely watched Andrew and his activities. Now, Teddy's brother was also a drug addict so he could sense what Andrew must have been going through. Teddy has also seen a tremendous low phase in his life. But now he doesn't keep his struggle to him. He shares it with the world and tries his best that no one else could go with the same.

Andrew started the blameless children. He says,

This is a moment, with a handheld out in time.

Empowering the Children this disease left behind.

The Blameless of Victims never once had a say

Their voice was given back with days like today.......

Nothing is more heartbreaking than the effects that addiction has had on the children of these last few generations. They are the true victims as their innocence was prematurely stolen, and their voices silenced. This can be one of the most challenging times for any family.

It's estimated that 10 million children are raised in homes where at least one parent suffers from substance use disorder. According to SAMSA, these children are three times more likely to be physically, mentally, or emotionally abused ultimately affecting them for the rest of their lives. We all should contribute so that this world can become a slightly better place.

Today's children are also affected by the accidental overdose deaths that accompany this disease. Each year more and more children are left behind as they suffer the loss of one or more of their loved ones. With this, they are now raised by single parents, grandparents, and many times placed into the foster care system.

These are just a few of the many things touching the lives of the most innocent victims of addiction. They are the Blameless Children of this disease.

This moment is set aside to give these children the voice they deserve, by empowering them to know that none of this was their fault, and they are not alone. Despite the challenges and hardships they have faced in the past, they still have a future of endless possibilities.

This moment is also to help those struggling with addiction to know that there are hands out to help, with many resources and treatment options available. Through recovery being the mother and father you want to be is possible.

No more children need to be left behind, as today can be the day that the change starts in your life. Let this be the moment healing can begin for The Blameless Children.

Today, Andrew Hager is named one of the most influential drug addiction treatment experts as he has personally experienced it. He has partnered with Boca Recovery Center to help treat drug addicts and provide them the healthy life that they deserve. He has been an inspiration to hundreds and thousands of youngsters who might be deviated from their right path to success and who need a little direction.