Angel Investor Lior Poly made Internet $$$ at 16

At 27-year old, Lior is on his way to a second fortune. He shared his story about how he went from computer geek to tech-savvy millionaire.

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Lior Poly

As a young boy, Lior Poly was far from average. Admittedly (by his own account) he didn't do well in school – but that didn't top him from achieving more than most of us will ever achieve in a lifetime.

Lior Poly is an Angel Investor, Marketing Executive, Business and Website Builder, and general internet Entrepreneur. However, he didn't start with a silver spoon. Armed with nothing more than an old laptop and enough tech-savvy to learn how to work it, Lior self-taught technical skills that imbued him with a creative technical spark.

Seizing the Entrepreneurial Dream

At 15, Lior was almost expelled from school for spending too much time on his computer. He confesses that during this time he was a little bit of a weird kid.

"My laptop was my best friend. I took it everywhere with me. People were getting worried... but there wasn't much information online about code, or marketing tech, or computing in general when I was growing up. A lot of what I know I learned through trial and error."

By 16 years old, Lior was making money through the innovative use of the Google AdSense tool. It wasn't much, but every cent he earned, Lior invested back into himself. He eventually scraped enough together to go on a course for app building.

Armed with app building, website design skills he had learned himself, and marketing research conducted on the limited websites available in the early '00s, Lior went to work. At 18, he had already noticed the boom of the affiliate marketing industry. He decided to go with it, making a series of wise investments in both himself and in the right websites. Lior learned how to buy fading websites, increase their traffic, and sell them on, as well as build them from the ground up.

Making that First Million-dollar on the Internet

By 21, Lior Poly had made the investments needed to earn his first million dollars. Since then, it has been a rollercoaster ride of business decisions, technical solutions, and marketing advice. Lior writes for Medium to help those struggling in the marketing world with their ability to meet marketing goals. Nowadays, Lior owns three businesses – all of which came about through the existence of his online empire... an empire only ever built by sheer persistence and hard work.

As well as looking for a new entrepreneurial assistant, Lior always has his finger on the pulse at work. He suggests that people start out in business by selecting a broad niche that appeals to as many people as possible. Once found, the niche should be capable of being funded for minimal costs in terms of marketing. Next, you should always look at competitive niches instead of trying to think outside of the box all the time. If there is competition out there, it means the market is strong.

Tips on Making a Million?

Advice from Lior on how to make a million can be found in his medium article. Follow Lior on Facebook or on Instagram for regular hints and tips on what you can do to change your life. We leave you with one of his favorite ideas: that TV eats your time. Cut it out of your life and you will have 30% more time during your day to go out and achieve. Try it for a week. What have you got to lose?