Ardent pet lover and entrepreneur Hitesh Thawani expresses his take on animal cruelty

Hitesh Thawani

There is no end to what we humans can do to animals for no reason. The increasing number of animal cruelty cases has now become a major issue worldwide. Hitesh Thawani, a Dubai based entrepreneur and currently the managing director of Precious Paws, a pet spa has come forward to express his thoughts on animal cruelty.

Hitesh says, "Humanity isn't a religion but a way of life and I believe that the biggest gesture of humanity is not in just saying thank you or being polite but in supporting those living beings around us, especially those who can't speak or express themselves in a language that we understand. This is what makes us "human beings" and not "human doings".

Hitesh has been an ardent pet lover ever since he was a kid. Out of his love and passion, Hitesh ventured into a business that revolves around the well being of animals. While running a business of Animal care and welfare, Hitesh along with his team have introduced Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy for pets, which helps prolong issues like skin conditions, and arthritis in pets.

The entrepreneur has converted his passion into a lucrative business while doing what otherwise people should be taking care of is Animal care. He has set a benchmark in the business world with his unique venture that not only stands out as an idea but also promotes positive aspects.