Using artificial intelligence bots, a group of researchers at the German Technische Universitat of Dortmund and the Technical University have predicted the winners of the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2018. The research team analyzed various factors including FIFA rankings, country's population, bookmakers' odds and the number of national team members who play together in a club before making the prediction.
Spain to lift the world cup?
During the study, researchers simulated the tournament more than 1,00,000 times and finally predicted the winners who will taste the ultimate glory. The results revealed that Spain is the most likely country to win this year's football World Cup. As per the AI research report, Spain topped the list by a winning chance of 20 percent, followed by Germany and Brazil in the second and third spots.
However, researchers revealed that Germany has the chance of winning the World Cup if they make their way to the semi-final. Artificial intelligence bots predicted that Germany will most likely beat Spain if they lock horns in the semifinals, but the journey of Germany to reach the final four spot will not be an easy deal, Motherboard reports.
Andreas Groll, a researcher at the University of Dortmund said that Germany has the chances of getting dropped out in the round of sixteen. The research stated that chances of Germany to win the world cup will be higher if they succeed in reaching the quarterfinals.
A few days ago, an investment banking company named Goldman Sachs used artificial intelligence to predict the winners of this world cup by running more than 2,00,000 simulations. As per Goldman Sach's prediction, Brazil is the most likely side to win the title.
EA Games predict world cup winners
EA Games, who had previously predicted the winners of the 2010 and 2014 world cups have also made their prediction this time. Surprisingly, they have revealed that France will be the team to lift this year's world cup.
The game developing company revealed that Hugo Illoris and his French teammates will lock horns with Germany in the final. The final is expected to extend to a penalty shootout where France will beat Germany in the margin 5-4.
EA Games also predict that French striker Antoine Griezmann will share the golden boot with Spain's Isco.
Even though football buffs are not considering these predictions seriously, they are pretty much aware that EA Games' predictions often becomes correct. Apart from the previous two editions of the football world cup, EA has successfully predicted nine out of thirteen winners of the NFS Superbowl.