A hospital worker in Daegu has been tested positive for coronavirus. Report in AllKpop stated that the worker had hid his identity as a member of Shincheonji cult. The worker's identity has not been made public, but it is said that the person was involved in quarantining those with coronavirus symptoms in Munsung Hospital.
The health worker in question was tested positive for coronavirus on February 24. When asked about where he contracted the virus, he had spoken about visiting a hair saloon with his wife. But even then he had kept the fact about him being Shincheonji cult member a secret.
His wife also has been tested positive for COVID-19. Mansung Hospital has made arrangements to identify and quarantine at least 13 people who were in touch with him. At least nine were tested positive for coronavirus.
Following the news, the authorities have asked the hospital to keep at least 27 people who were in contact with the person in question in isolation. As he was a regular worker there, at least 280 staff members in the hospital are undergoing tests for coronavirus.
In another development, at least 46 residents in an apartment complex near Munsung Hospital tested positive for Coronavirus. Interestingly, when checked at least 94 of 141 residents were identified as members belonging to Shincheonji cult.
It was earlier reported that Shincheonji cult members had refused to get treated despite testing positive. More than 1,000 members are suspected. Authorities also expressed their anger against the cult members who refuse to get treated or even get themselves self quarantined as there are chances of the virus spreading if not treated properly.
Meanwhile, Seoul mayor has sued Shincheonji cult leader Lee Man Hee and his 12 disciples "for murder, injury, and violation of prevention and management of infectious diseases." Reacting to the lawsuit, Lee Man Hee convened a press conference and said, "Although it was not intentional, many people have been infected. We made our utmost efforts, but were not able to prevent it all."
Shicheonji cult has 250,000 members and Daegu where the church is situated is the region that is most affected by the COVID-19 in South Korea. As of March 8, South Korea has reported 7,313 confirmed cases and 50 deaths.