A recent study shows that every individual who constantly uses aspirin or painkiller are much more likely to experience a tremendous reduction in digestive cancer.
According to the study, people who consume aspirin on a regular basis has lower risk of digestive cancer. Gastric and pancreatic cancers can reduce by 38 percent and 34 percent respectively, whereas colorectal cancer can lower by 24 percent. However, digestive cancer was most dominant in Europe in the past few years.
Gastric, colorectal and pancreatic cancers falls under the category of top five cancers which kills millions of people across the globe. Digestive cancers risk showed 30.1% of cancer death out of above three significant cancers.
"The findings demonstrate that the long-term use of aspirin can reduce the risk of developing many major cancers," said lead author Kelvin Tsoi, Professor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
"What should be noted is the significance of the results for cancers within the digestive tract, where the reduction in cancer incidence was all very substantial, especially for liver and oesophageal," said Keivin.
The daily use of aspirin not only has a positive impact on digestive cancer but it also helps in the reduction of leukemia, lung cancer, breast cancer and some bladder and kidney cancers including myeloma cancers, said researchers.
In the study, the researchers compared patients who used prescribed aspirin daily with those who do not. Researchers further stated that patients who stopped using aspirin are much more likely to suffer from heart attacks or stroke whilst compared to those who resumed taking aspirin.
The study findings have been presented at the United European Gastroenterology Week held in Barcelona.