Joe Biden's Body Double Boards Air Force One at Delaware? 'Fit' Biden's First Appearance Sparks Conspiracy Theory

Six days after vanishing from the public eye, U.S. President Joe Biden resurfaced on Tuesday, boarding Air Force One in Delaware. His reappearance comes amid rumors of a coup following his dramatic withdrawal from the 2024 Presidential race.

Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden X

Last week, Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19 following which he returned to his vacation home in Delaware. The 81-year-old announced his withdrawal from the upcoming Presidential elections in a post made of X.

Biden Boarded Air Force One

Soon after arriving at the White House, Biden took to social media stating, "It's great to be back at the White House. This afternoon, I arrived back at the Oval Office and sat down with my national security team for my daily intelligence briefing. Serving as your Commander-in-Chief continues to be the greatest honor of my life."

The President also revealed that he would be addressing the nation. "Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people," he wrote on X.

On Tuesday a video of the 81-year-old while boarding Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base surfaced. Biden was seen walking slowly towards the plane when the reporters enquired about his health. He was seen holding the railing of the steps as he climbed the stairs while holding a blue face mask in his left hand.

Conspiracy Theory About Biden's Appearance

The video of the U.S. President boarding the place gave rise to another set of conspiracy theories in which many social media users claimed that it was Biden's body double. Many pointed out the manner in which Biden was seen walking and climbing the flight of stairs.

"OMG!!! I just saw who is supposed to be President Biden getting off Air Force One. That 100% was NOT Joe Biden! Did you see how fast he ran out the plane and charged down the steps?!!! NOT JOE!!!!!" tweeted a user.

"That's a different guy. Biden can't even walk up or down the 3 steps onto a stage well, much less up the whole flight of stairs into Air Force One. That's a stunt double, or triple because I'm not convinced the guy who claimed to be the US President was the original Joe Biden," read a post.

"Omg !!! it is so obvious that is not him! It looks like the body double guy from the parking lot that was called out I think last year," expressed a user.

"He couldn't climb stairs before Covid and now he's bouncing up the big ones not the shorter stairs with the elevator like he was? Body Double," wrote another user.