The US President Donald Trump was heard coughing at least once during a phone interview on Thursday and also appeared to mute the mic at one point for clearing his throat. The interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity took place almost a week after the president and the First Lady tested positive for the deadly virus.
After a few minutes into the interview, he was discussing the presidential debates, the president started to sound hoarse and cleared his throat. Then he stopped talking for some time and said 'excuse me' as he continued speaking.
Trump Not Well?

Then again around 19 minutes into the interview when he was talking about mail-in voting the president cleared his throat and arguably coughed. Trump said that he is planning to hold a rally in Florida this weekend. "I think I'm going to try doing a rally on Saturday night if we have enough time to put it together. But we want to do a rally in Florida, probably in Florida on Saturday night," Trump told Fox News as reported by the Daily Mail.
He mentioned that he was planning a second rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday. Trump said that he did not test negative for the disease after his positive result last week and added that testing is not always required. "They found very little infection or virus," the president said.
Saturday will complete nine days after Trump announced about testing positive for coronavirus. Many experts believe that that viral shedding continues for around 10 days following the start of the symptoms in mild cases. The White House physician Dr. Sean Conley stated that the vital signs of the president are all within the normal ranges. He also mentioned that Trump will be safe to return to public engagements by Saturday. It will be interesting to see what the president does in the near future as the presidential election is just a few weeks away.