Dr. Jonathan Kung Isa Doctor, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Everything In Between

Dr. Jonathan Kung

Dr. Jonathan Kung does a little bit of everything that improves physical and mental health. He is a board-certified gastroenterologist trained in advanced interventional endoscopy. He is also an Assistant Professor of Medicine with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in Manhattan. This doctor's passion is medicine and improving the quality of life of his patients. He also looks forward to going on medical missions and promoting overall physical and mental health wellness. More recently, he's been inspiring and motivating countless people on social media.

Instagram has been a platform through which Jonathan has been able to reach significantly more people than he could have ever reached in-person. With over 77,000 people following him right now on his Instagram page, he has been inspiring and motivating many, while dispensing free advice related to improving physical and mental health.

Dr. Kung is one of those rare examples of a doctor who actually practices what they preach. He has seen firsthand what happens to someone who doesn't take care of themselves or find a work/life balance. That is why he became dedicated to scheduling recreation time and rest, while also making time to be involved in boxing, martial arts, soccer, and going to the gym. He also even somehow manages to carve out time to network with others on social media.

On social media, Jonathan exudes positivity and encouragement. He wants to positively impact as many people as possible for the better, helping them change their lives one action step at a time. With so many people on platforms like Instagram looking for inspiration and guidance, Dr. Kung has been very successful in impacting the lives of countless people. Anyone who is willing to listen and apply his advice is someone he hopes will come across what he has to share.

According to Dr. Kung, just because he is a doctor doesn't mean it is his entire identity, nor should it be anyone's, no matter what their profession is. His passion is improving and changing the lives of others, as well as himself. He admits that he is always growing and evolving and learning along the way.

Dr. Kung is also a philanthropist, supporting causes he strongly believes in. He is also someone who enjoys expressing themselves through fashion. You will often see him sporting a stylish look on his Instagram page. However, he is mainly focused on improving physical and mental health. He has found that this is the cornerstone of treatment for many of his patients. Getting people to do something that moves their body has proven to lead to improved overall wellness. That is why he is such a big proponent of activities like exercising, resistance training, and sports.

In Dr. Kung's own words, "It's extremely important to always make time outside of healthcare for family, friends, exercise, and travel." He also shares that "A balance of a proactive lifestyle, both inside and outside of the hospital, keeps me healthy and motivated."