Planet Earth is spinning faster than usual, according to scientists at the National Physical Laboratory in England. They recorded the shortest day ever on June 29 and another shortened day on July 26.
June 29 was 1.59 milliseconds less than the average day, according to scientists.
The normal length of the day is 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds. But in recent years, the Earth's rotation has accelerated, shortening some days by milliseconds. "Since 2016 the Earth started to accelerate, scientist Leonid Zotov, who works at works for Lomonosov Moscow State University and recently published a study on what might cause the changes in Earth's rotation, told CBS News.

Earth Is Rotating Quicker This Year Than 2021
The Earth is rotating quicker this year when compared to 2021 and 2020. Scientists suspect that the fluctuation in Earth's rotation could have been triggered by tides.
What's The Reason Behind It?
Underlining that not every day is shorter, Zotov noted that if the trend continues atomic time – the universal way time is measured on Earth – may have to change. However, some experts have also suggested introducing a negative leap second as "we can not change the clock arrows attached to the Earth rotation, we adjust the atomic clock scale".
Climate Change Could Be A Reason
There are other claims also behind the Earth's faster spinning. As some experts claim that climate change such as melting glaciers could be the reason behind as it could shift weight pulls on the Earth.
Seismic Activity
The past few years have seen a flurry of records fall, with shorter days being notched up ever more frequently. In 2020, the Earth turned out 28 of the shortest days in the past 50 years, with the shortest of those, on 19 July, shaving 1.47 milliseconds off the 86,400 seconds that make up 24 hours, according to The Guardian.
Reports have also claimed that it could have been due to the earthquakes or other seismic activity that move mass toward the center of the Earth.
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