ECOM HQ: The Million Dollar Mindset of Abdullah Al Kobeissy

Abdullah Al Kobeissy

Many of the most valuable brands are either dot-com or technology companies. That says a lot about where we are today. Our once-disconnected global community is increasingly finding and establishing borderless communications and business channels.

Abdullah Al Kobeissy is a 21-year-old well-established entrepreneur who is now sharing his framework to success through his self-made course, ECOM HQ. He has been in the E-Commerce business for quite a while and has made high profits out of it. Within the last four to five months he made a course named 'ECOM HQ' to help others establish themselves in this competitive world through online selling. Online buying and selling have become important parts of many people's lives. Both businesses and customers have embraced online sales as a cheaper and more convenient way to shop.

Currently operating from Queensland, Australia Kobeissy has consistently been charmed by the intensity of digitization. He presently holds aptitude in how to make brands, how to scale any business on the web, and above all creating cash. In the four months, he has conceived a course for individuals who are seeking job opportunities. The Iraqi business visionary alongside an enthusiasm for training individuals is soon to dispatch his course, ECOM HQ, online to change the lives of thousands of individuals. In his impending course, he will show those procedures and techniques that he has acquired, which have made him an autonomous man who never needs to reconsider spending cash. His intended interest group is individuals of any sex and range lying between the age of 16 to 30. He says, "No one will instruct accomplishment to individuals as effectively as I will. ECOM HQ is a significant basic course once you get it. I was brilliant enough to decipher the code, and now I will help other people do likewise. I will work with them on an individual level and make them arrive at similar statutes

that I have. It is conceivable to make colossal benefits online by selling things, and I have demonstrated it."

Abdullah Al Kobeissy needs to contact all the individuals who are battling to get by and meet their monetary finishes. Most openings for work, regardless of how great they may sound, wind up being finished cash sucking bad dream because of costly overhead, slow adaptability, and low edges. He will likely supplant the excess regular places of employment from these individuals' lives and fill it with money related plenitude alongside work fulfillment. ECOM HQ Provides individuals with money related steadiness, considering it as a side business accordingly, growing your pay sources.