The land of mysteries, Egypt has again opened a new excavation avenue for the archaeologists after the discovery of a stone cemetery. The Egyptian Antiquities Ministry announced on Wednesday, September 5 that the researchers have found the stone cemetery, almost 300 meters northeast of the pyramid of King Senusert I, the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt.
As per the Antiquities Ministry, this discovery was a part of an Egyptian archaeological excavation mission in the Egyptian village located south of Cairo, Lisht. This site is known for the Middle Kingdom's royal and elite burials.
Egypt Independent reported that director of the Central Department of Antiquities of Cairo and Giza, Adel Okasha said the ancient cemetery is carved on the rocky edge of a mountain.
There are two areas of this cemetery. The first one is an open yard that leads towards a vaulted corridor shows some hieroglyphic inscriptions as well as a cross-sectional hall. The western side of this area includes a small compartment that is decorated with traces of inscriptions.
The second area includes a burial crypt, which is located in the open yard in front of the cemetery with an area of 100 x 80 centimetres and a depth of almost 3 meters. The western side of this area has a passage, which leads towards the first burial chamber.
As per Okasha, while the Department of Fine Restoration is now on process of repairing the first area of the cemetery that includes ancient hieroglyphic inscriptions, the Director of Dahshur and Lisht Antiquities Mohamed al-Daly said that the second area, especially the southern side of the burial crypt contains an entrance, which leads to the chambers, will be uncovered during the next season of the excavation mission.
As per the reports, the Antiquities Ministry said even though the researchers checked the inscriptions, as of now they have not yet been identified the owner of this cemetery. But, he also stated that the further research may help the excavation team to know the name of the owner.