Social media giant Facebook continues making the news sometimes for the change in the site policies while sometimes for the data leak scandals. Once again, the company has been accused of mishandling user data that may be misused if reaches the wrong hands.
According to reports, Facebook has accidentally sent analytics data to app testers instead of keeping it restricted to app developers only.
Though the social media company is still struggling with the allegations of its involvement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it has made yet another mistake and, that too, a similar one. The back-to-back events of mishandling data have made Facebook answerable to those who rely on it and share their precious moments with the loved ones online.
A developer contacted TechCrunch and claimed that a Facebook App Analytics summary had been sent via an email to someone not belonging to the company. The summary comprised private data of users, including page views, weekly average users, new user, and other relevant information. Anyway, whatever the allegations may be, FB is always ready to defend itself.
The company confirmed that a major proportion of the data that has been shared with the testers was related to an error in the mail delivery system. It added that no personal user information was shared or revealed in the process. "Due to an error in our email delivery system, weekly business performance summaries we send to developers about their account were also sent to a small group of those developer's app testers," a Facebook spokesperson told TechCrunch.
"No personal information about people on Facebook was shared. We're sorry for the error and have updated our system to prevent it from happening again."
Besides the current and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook has grabbed attention for many other changes and updates it brought about, especially for the damage control activities that it conducts from time to time. Recently, the political advertisement policy changes made the company slammed by the news associations all across the globe. Of course, the step was taken only to retain users' trust that it thought was losing because of the Russian elements' interference in the US presidential elections 2016.