"The Fault In Our Stars" actor Ansel Elgort has been accused of sexually assaulting an underage girl six years ago. In a series of allegations made on Twitter by the victim, who has identified herself as Gabby, claimed that she was 17 when Elgort sexually abused her in 2014.

Elgort, who would be appearing in Disney's "West Side Story" remake, has so far not made any comment on the allegations leveled against him on social media.
Got in Touch on Snapchat
Gabby, who did not reveal her last name, said she messaged Elgort on Snapchat two days before she turned 17 in 2014. The Baby Driver star who was 20 years old at the time responded to the victim.

She started her lengthy post claiming that the revelation was to help her heal and encourage Elgort's other alleged victims to speak out. "Ansel Elgort sexually assaulted me when I was 17. I had dm-ed him on when it was two days before my 17th birthday and I got his private Snapchat. I didn't think he would ever see my dm I was just a kid and was a fan of him. So when it happened instead of asking me if I wanted to stop having sex knowing it was my first time and I was sobbing in pain and I didn't want to do it the only words that came out of his mouth were 'we need to break you in' I WASN'T there in that moment mentally," she added.
Don't let her voice go silent. She was brave to speak up so do not shut her down. Just because he is famous does not give you the right to claim her story is "fake". ansel elgort is a pedophile. pic.twitter.com/ot6nSZVk9e
— ivy* #blacklivesmatter (@_poisonIV_) June 20, 2020
Recalling the ordeal, Gabby said that apart from convincing her that this was how sex is supposed to be, Elgort reportedly told her that she would be a beautiful young lady when she is older.
The victim also accused the Hollywood actor of suggesting a threesome with one of her underage dance friends. "I didn't tell anyone because he said it could 'ruin his career' i sat there for months wondering what I did wrong. Wondering why I felt so used," said Gabby, adding that she underwent years of therapy to finally be able to talk about the incident and heal.
More Victims Open Up
Gabby also shared a screenshot of messages shared with Elgort and their photograph. Soon after Gabby's claim, another woman named Madison, who goes by the username @maddeesawnn on Twitter, claimed that she too was a victim of Elgort's alleged sexual advances, though the two never met alone. "This is part of my story. I'm lucky to have not been put in a situation like the other girl coming forward because I so easily could've," she said.
this is part of my story. i’m lucky to have not been put in a situation like the other girl coming forward because i so easily could’ve. pic.twitter.com/l8g3Bc2Uyc
— madison (@maddeesawnn) June 19, 2020
Sharing a couple of screenshots of the purported conversation with Elgort on Snapchat, Madison, who was 16 years old that time, wrote: "At the age of 16, i was not aware how predatory and creepy this behavior was. now as a woman in her 20's, i see this for what it is. i hadn't seen these pictures in 6 years and it brought up a lot of repressed emotions reading them again. thanks for all the support right now."
According to the Mirror, in April, a woman called Esther shared screenshots of her chat with Elgort, claiming that she was 15 years old that time. One of the messages sent by an account appearing to be that of Elgort, who was 21 years old at the time, read: "If you tell on me or tell your parents and they get mad. I want you to come to my hotel room when I'm in London next...I want to kiss you, you're pretty. But u can't tell a soul otherwise I could be in sooooo much trouble. You're too cute. Wish you were older."