A new study report published in the American Heart Associaton's journal Circulation has revealed that fluctuating personal income could result in cardiovascular disorders among people. The research report also revealed that chances of dying due to heart diseases are quite high among people who face economic difficulties in their lives.
During the study, researchers found that people with the biggest fluctuations in personal income are significantly associated with double the risk of death when compared to people who have a steady income source. The participants who took part in the research were aged 23-35 years old in 1990 when the study initially kickstarted.
As the study report comes after a long 18 years of research, experts believe that this is one of the most authentic findings that connect income volatility and early deaths associated with cardiovascular disorders. It should be noted that income inequality is a rising concern in countries like the United States and this factor can be read along the lines of an increase in the number of cardiovascular patients.
"Income volatility presents a growing public health threat, especially when federal programs, which are meant to help absorb unpredictable income changes, are undergoing continuous changes, and mostly cuts. While this study is observational in nature and certainly not an evaluation of such programs, our results do highlight that large negative changes in income may be detrimental to heart health and may contribute to premature death," said Tali Elfassy, an assistant professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Florida, Science Daily reports.
However, the study failed to determine the cause of the association between income volatility and health, as it was observational and not designed to precisely prove cause and effect.
A few weeks back, the American Heart Association had warned that women who underwent chemotherapy for breast cancer are at an increased risk of getting affected with cardiovascular disorders.