Former U.S. presidential candidate Nikki Haley Faces Backlash Over "Finish Them" Message on Israeli Shell

A photo of Haley, kneeling and marking the shell with a purple pen, was shared on social media by Danny Danon

Former U.S. presidential candidate Nikki Haley is under fire for writing "Finish Them" on an Israeli shell during her visit near Lebanon's northern border. A photo of Haley, kneeling and marking the shell with a purple pen, was shared on social media by Danny Danon, an Israeli parliament member and former UN ambassador, who accompanied her.

Danon's post featured the image with the caption, "'Finish Them'. This is what my friend, former ambassador Nikki Haley, wrote." The post quickly sparked outrage. Critics condemned the message as provocative and insensitive, especially amidst the ongoing violence in Rafah affecting many civilians.

Nikki Haley

The backlash on social media was swift. "I support DEPORTING NIKKI HALEY to her ancestral homeland of India," one user angrily posted. Another user declared, "Shame on her existence, she is evil!" A third added, "These missiles will ultimately be used to kill innocent civilians and children. This is terrorism."

Despite the uproar, the White House stated that President Joe Biden has no plans to change his policy on Israel. This announcement came after a deadly strike on Rafah, though Biden emphasized he is not ignoring Palestinian civilian suffering.

'Finish Them' Written on Shell
Nikki Haley wrote ' Finish Them, America Loves Israel' on a shell with purple pen, which attracted backlash from many social media users X

Haley, who ended her White House bid in March after losing several Republican primary contests to Trump, recently returned to the political scene and pledged to support him. Although Trump has dismissed the possibility of Haley being his vice-presidential candidate, she is still considered a potential contender for the 2028 presidential race.

The Gaza conflict has intensified following a Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, which resulted in 1,189 deaths, mostly civilians, according to Israeli officials. The militants also took 252 hostages, with 121 still in Gaza, including 37 that the Israeli army reports as dead. Israeli retaliatory strikes have killed at least 36,096 people in Gaza, mostly civilians, according to the territory's health ministry.

Haley's actions and the subsequent backlash highlight the intense and polarized nature of the ongoing conflict, as well as the sensitivity required from political figures commenting on or involving themselves in such contentious issues.