Funnel Expert Ryan Turner Shows What You're Getting Wrong with Your Marketing Strategy and How to Fix It

 Ryan Turner

As the world of digital business matures and marketing strategies evolve, a common pitfall many entrepreneurs and businesses make is seeing the results of a successful brand or business and trying to copy their template without understanding the underlying foundations of what makes their product, service and strategy effective.

Established marketing strategist and Kartra expert Ryan Turner has used his position as a recognized professional in the online marketing sphere to help thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses globally to create impactful marketing campaigns utilizing the platform Kartra. His business amplifi Strategy specializes in retargeting funnels to focus on quality leads for his clients, and build strong digital bridges between businesses and their customers.

Ryan joined us today to share some key information for what businesses are getting wrong when creating their marketing strategies

Powerful Messaging

Designing a pretty website and having some polished branding is only half the picture. While having a strong visual image is important, the message that your brand portrays is just as important, if not more so. People want to buy into an idea. Something that they can believe in. Strong messaging comes from the feeling and experience your brand and products portray, and the value it brings to the customer's life. How does your product solve your clients problems? What does their life look like with your product in it? You need to paint that picture clearly for them.

Effective Calls to Action

With people's attention and focus being pulled in every direction, it really pays off to make it as simple and easy as possible for your customers to follow your links, buy your product, and get involved in your ecosystem. Look at your process from the user's perspective. How will they navigate through your platforms? Where is their attention likely to go? Where do you want their attention to go? Mobilizing your audience, putting your links in easy-to-reach locations and giving them reasons to click through with offers of valuable free content is how you get people invested in your product.

Strong Sales Funnels

Setting up effective funnels is key to ensuring conversion from your audience. It's important to understand that a potential customer might not be ready to make a purchase, but if you have steps in place to retarget them, keep them involved, and give them more opportunities to connect, you'll see massive improvements in conversion. Even if they won't buy something straight away, they might be willing to give their contact details for a free piece of content off of your landing page. From their you can have things like automated email sequences to keep your brand in their vision.

Retargeting funnels are an immensely powerful tool in the hand of any digital marketer or business looking to tap into high quality leads. Through platforms such as Kartra all of these processes are made easier than ever, and as a recognized Kartra expert, Ryan caters to entrepreneurs, consultants and experts looking to implement systems online that increase lead generation, sales, and customer retention through relationship marketing. To get you started, Ryan has his own free Kartra Funnel here for you to download, or you can learn more about maximizing the effectiveness of your funnel systems by joining Ryan's International Funnel Community Facebook group!

If you want to spend less time chasing leads and more time working on your killer products, connect with Ryan Turner and his team of experts at Amplifi Strategy through their website, Instagram, Linked In and Facebook pages. Their expertly designed funnel systems will see your dream clients begging to connect with you.