Samsung seems to be engulfed in a spate of controversies ever since it came under flak for its Note 7 battery-explosion debacle. The company's success with the Galaxy S8 and S8+ flagship launch is too short-lived thanks to a flurry of unforeseen complaints thrown against its flagship device such as the persistent red tint issue and the dysfunctional Bixby fiasco.
Some S8 users in Korea have been complaining of a reddish tint showing up on their phone's display and expressing their ire in online communities, as the issue seems to persist even after correcting the display's colour settings.
One such affected Korean user had this to say: "After I read articles that there are many reddish panels, I checked mine. I was also unlucky. Should I change it?' Another user posted a photo of his S8 and asked: 'Can you please check mine, whether this is too red or not?"
Samsung, however, dismissed all such claims and complaints regarding its display panel, saying that the issue would require a minor settings change on the phone itself and it's not a hardware or software quality issue on their part.
On the flip side, the company has offered to replace all the faulty units at the nearest service centre if the issue persisted after resetting the colour settings.
Meanwhile, an industry expert has suggested that the red tint issue could be linked to the deep red technology used by the company for balancing the colours on the Galaxy S8.
Galaxy S8 has also drawn severe flak from users worldwide, regarding the inability to use the phone's Bixby feature or assign its button to any third-party app like Google Assistant.
Amid growing criticism, Samsung executive Philip Berne messaged in a recent tweet: "I can't say for sure why this behaviour changed, but I can say that we are not supporting remapping that button."
[Source: Korea Herald]