Gamifying Healthcare to Incentivize Healthy, Sustainable Habits


More than a billion people worldwide are living with obesity today. That number has doubled in the last 30 years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes now account for the majority of deaths globally, with seven out of 10 of the top leading causes of death attributed to preventable diseases. Not only do low-quality diet and poor fitness habits lead to premature aging and death but they also place great strain on global economies, spending a disproportionate share of GDP on health. In an age of scarce resources and dwindling health, how can blockchain create a change?

Guiding Individuals Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

With a projected value of $12.9 trillion by 2031, the global wellness industry is working hard to combat the rising pandemic of chronic diseases and promote healthier, more sustainable habits. Harnessing blockchain technology enables companies to create richer user experiences and new revenue models through token sales and NFTs that allow people to gamify their fitness journeys and monetize their achievements, motivating them to complete their challenges. The experience is highly tailored to the individual, who acquires in-app assets and personal experiences that foster a sense of community, encourage deeper engagement and retention, and make healthy living fun.

Initiatives such as Universal Health Token (UHT) are uniting the technology and healthcare industries to revolutionize how we think about health and fitness and incentivize good habits. A blockchain-based token, UHT rewards are being integrated into India's largest preventative healthcare app GOQii which has ten years of experience combining one-on-one personal coaching with fitness tracking technology to help users achieve a healthier lifestyle. GOQii is the first full-stack preventive health and fitness app to integrate UHT to enhance users' health journeys with data-driven insights.

GOQii recently passed 5 million downloads and has taken on internationally recognized nutritionist and motivational speaker Luke Coutinho as Master Coach and Head Nutritionist. Users can earn UHT as rewards by participating in fitness exercises and wellness challenges and tracking their progress. They have access to certified professionals who offer their services and expertise through token exchanges, and health marketplaces that give them exclusive discounts on products and services, event access, and collectible NFTs.

Backed by Prestigious Investors and Partners

The Force of Good (FoG) Foundation behind the initiative recently announced that it had raised pre-seed investment from prominent investors in the web3 industry including Animoca Brands, Polygon Ventures, and Tezos Foundation. GOQii and UHT have also partnered with entertainment and web3 leaders Animoca Brands, and popular gaming DAO KGeN to enhance user experiences and generate value worldwide.

GOQii is further backed by some of the largest names in health and wellness, and web3, including Modality (part of the NHS) Animoca Brands, Galaxy Digital, Polygon,, Its "A-Team" of health tech experts combines diverse experience in gamification, mobile technology, sales, and wellness from top companies like Google, AT&T, and Aegon. Founder and CEO Vishal Gondal, who started his journey at 16 with Indiagames (later acquired by Disney for $100 million), was honored as Entrepreneur of the Year and one of India's leading digital business figures.

Final Thoughts

The integration of UHT rewards within GOQii's leading app allows users to immerse themselves in their fitness journeys with gamification techniques. Users can unlock unique items, NFTs, and discounts on health products and services by turning goals into challenges and earning rewards as they progress. Connecting with experienced professionals for guidance, users can develop sustainable wellness habits while monetizing their achievements, rewiring how they perceive health and fitness, and helping reduce the burden of chronic diseases on governments worldwide.