The global business network sense chain is forming its own niche in the it industry by introducing digital economy

Sense Chain

What is a Sense Chain?

Transcontinental Arllecta Group presents one of its flagship products in the development of the global digital economy. Sense Chain is a global digital network in which everyone on our planet can earn money using one of its main resources in life - TIME.

According to the author of the innovative Sense-To-Sense methodology, Egger Milberg, the economic and financial model of even the most developed country can be implemented digitally. However, the main task in implementing such a digital World Economy should be the principle of transparency for all its participants around the World. Moreover, the participation and influence of "humans" on document flow in the digital economy should be no more than 1%.

Main proprietary network technologies:

  1. "Sensechain: Sense Contracts, Sense Currency". authored by Egger Mielberg.
  2. "Proof of Participation Protocol", authored by Egger Mielberg.
  3. "Smart Transactions", authored by Egger Mielberg.

The Law of Zero Sense

One of the indicators of the depth and importance of the Sense Chain is the law of zero sense (essence):
"Sense A describing (characterizing) another sense B introduces a percentage of distortion in the reliability of the description of sense B equal to (n-k)%, where k is the percentage describing sense A, n is the sum of the percentages of possible n-senses describing sense B"

The importance of this law becomes apparent as soon as the researcher begins to apply it in practice to describe economic, physical and other phenomena.

Sense Chain is:

  • A new digital economic model based on sense-to-sense business contracts
  • A new digital financial model based on a digital asset backed by the time spent by network participants in executing sense-to-sense contract
  • Cross-border transfers around the world using our own online payment system Arllecta Pay
  • Creation of global sense-to-sense contracts in any field of business and science

How volatile is Sense Chain's native digital asset?

Minimum wage rate for an hour of work in the network: 1SA (1 S2SA) = 1JH (Job Hour) = 10 US dollars.
The rate of remuneration for an hour of labor in the network is formed on the basis of one main basic criterion - level of economic development of the network. This means that the minimum wage rate will increase as the number of business sense contracts concluded between network users increases. Business sense contracts are formed automatically by the network in the form of templates pre-filled and signed by the parent company of the network or created (downloaded) by users independently when performing certain work. Moreover, it should be remembered that absolutely any activity on the network is formalized by a contract - be it the withdrawal of a native digital asset to any bank in any country or a transfer within the network.

The indicator of the cost of payment for a working hour in the Sense Chain network is a key economic indicator of the development of this network. As the economic indicators of the network grow, the cost of paying a working hour will also increase.

The creator of the network, Egger Milberg, predicts a significant increase in the cost of working hours (JH) after the total number of network contracts reaches one thousand.

What economic indicators are implemented in the Sense Chain?

There are more than ten main economic indicators that are calculated in real-time on the network. However, the main ones include the following:

  • Sense Chain Business Activity Index (Sense Chain PMI - Sense Chain Purchasing Manager' Index), which in the context of the network reflects the ratio of the total number of registered network users to the total number of sense contracts multiplied by the stabilization coefficient.
  • Sense Chain Asset Index (Sense Chain ASI - Sense Chain Asset Supply Index), which in context network reflects the aggregate indicator of three sense asset aggregates: AA1 (Asset Aggregator 1), AA2 (Asset Aggregator 2) and AA3 (Asset Aggregator 3). AA1 reflects the total volume of the native assets in circulation on the network issued by the network reserve fund. AA2 reflects the total volume of the native assets in business sense contracts for the settlement period of time. AA3 reflects the total volume of the native assets in borrowed contracts for the settlement period of time.
  • Sense Chain investment activity index (Sense Chain THERE - Sense Chain Investment Activity Index), which, in the context of the network, reflects the total volume of investment contracts of the network for the billing period.
  • Sense Chain UDI - Sense Chain User Development Index), is a complex indicator and is calculated taking into account several indicators such as the level of profitability of an individual user, the level of demand and the level of consumption of an individual network user
  • Gross Network Product Sense Chain (Sense Chain GNP - Sense Chain Gross Network Product), which is calculated as the total volume of all services produced for all sense contracts of the network for the calculated period of time.
  • Sense Chain constantly monitors economic activity and constantly improves it to create the most comfortable conditions for doing business from anywhere on the planet by any network user from any country.

About Company and Technologies - general description of Sense Chain. - Arllecta Group website.