From Grad Student to Staff Software Engineer: How this Software Engineer made it in Tech

Harsh Daiya

In the fast-paced world of FinTech, where technological evolution is constant and relentless, few have navigated the terrain as successfully as Harsh Daiya. From his beginnings as an intern at PayPal to his current role as a Staff Software Engineer, Harsh's journey over the last nine years has been a testament to perseverance, innovation, and a commitment to making digital commerce safer.

A Humble Beginning

Harsh's humble journey began at the University of Mumbai where he got his Bachelors in Information Technology from University of Mumbai in 2012. Following his graduation, he moved to the U.S shortly where he pursued a Master's degree in Management of Information Systems at the University of Nebraska. During the summer of 2015, he secured an internship with PayPal, which would prove to be the launching pad for his career. As an intern, Harsh contributed to a variety of projects, ranging from reporting and web development to building chatbots for PayPal's external-facing website.

"The internship was a pivotal moment for me," Harsh reflects. "It allowed me to immerse myself in real-world problems and understand the intricacies of FinTech. More importantly, it showed me how technology can be used to create safer and more reliable financial services."
Impressed by his performance, PayPal extended an offer for Harsh to join the Global Tools team within Professional Services full-time. This was the beginning of a journey marked by a relentless focus on Risk, Fraud, and Compliance.

Pioneering Work in FinTech Risk Management

Throughout his career at PayPal, Harsh has made significant contributions to the company's efforts to combat fraud and ensure compliance. His work on mapping customer journeys and developing predictive machine learning models to anticipate merchant behavior has been instrumental in reducing churn and enhancing user engagement. In the last four years, Harsh has led the Risk Platform, tackling some of the most complex challenges in the FinTech space.

"Risk management in FinTech is not just about reacting to threats," Harsh explains. "It's about anticipating them and building systems that can adapt quickly to new challenges. My goal has always been to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that our merchants and users are protected."

One of his most notable projects involved preventing carding attacks a type of fraud where bad actors use illegally obtained credit cards to test their validity by making small purchases on vulnerable websites. This type of attack can result in substantial financial losses for small merchants due to network fees incurred from failed transactions. Harsh spearheaded the design of a module that mitigates these attacks, safeguarding merchants and preserving the integrity of PayPal's platform.

"Carding attacks can devastate small businesses that lack the resources to defend themselves," Harsh says. "Designing a solution that could help these merchants avoid such losses was incredibly rewarding. It's about using technology to level the playing field and provide security for all, not just the big players."

Another key achievement in Harsh's career was leading the migration of PayPal's Risk Rules Engine from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This transition resulted in a $7 million cost savings, earning Harsh the coveted Key Talent Award in 2023.

"The migration was a complex and challenging project, but the payoff was huge," Harsh recalls. "Saving $7 million for the company was a significant achievement, but more importantly, it showed that we could innovate and adapt even in the face of substantial technical hurdles."

Harsh's $1 book to build Finance Fraud literacy

Beyond his technical contributions, Harsh has also dedicated himself to addressing the knowledge gaps in the FinTech industry. Recognizing the lack of accessible resources on the integration of AI in risk management and fraud prevention, he authored a book titled The Future of FinTech: AI in Risk Management and Fraud Prevention. Unlike typical industry publications that are often priced out of reach for many readers, Harsh made a conscious decision to price his book at just $1. His goal was clear: to improve literacy around AI in FinTech for students and business readers alike, ensuring that critical knowledge was accessible to all.

"There's a lot of information out there about AI and FinTech, but much of it is either too expensive or too technical for the average reader," Harsh explains. "I wanted to bridge that gap by creating something affordable and understandable, so more people could learn about the technology that's shaping our financial future."

The book has received praise for its clear explanations and practical insights, making complex concepts in AI and FinTech accessible to a broader audience. It was ranked in Amazon's #1 Best Seller in 2 categories - Big Data Business and Business Technology Innovation.

Looking Ahead

Harsh' journey is a story of growth, impact, and leadership. His work in risk management and fraud prevention, combined with his efforts to make knowledge accessible through his book, highlights his multifaceted contributions to the FinTech industry. As Harsh continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in FinTech, his story serves as an inspiration to both current professionals and the next generation of engineers looking to make a difference in the world of digital finance.