With the help of his awe-inspiring and endearing photography, Gabriel Maia has emerged as one of the top photographers

His passion for photography has transformed him into one of the leaders in the vast industry.

Gabriel Maia

All worlds are an art, that's what people say, but to see and understand this, one also needs artistic eyes. For some people they find the art in anything and everything they see around them, in people, places, nature, etc. but some others have the potential to create art out of anything and everything. Such artistic eyes and a heart are rarely found today in the much competitive environment across all industries. The world of photography is no different. It has given birth to many photographers, but only a few have the ability and the potential to create art and weave around a story beautifully for each of their images captured. One such artistic photographer we came across is Gabriel Maia, who since an early age always had a knack for photography and gradually developed his career into the same, becoming one of the leaders in the industry.

Born in 1961 in Brazil, since his childhood, photography always attracted Maia. As he turned 17, he even purchased his first more advanced camera of that time - an Olympus OM-2. He started shooting football games at high school and also nature and national parks. With this, he had thousands of negatives captured with this camera. However, he loved to shoot at the Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. Maia started using digital cameras quite early when they were more expensive and had no decent quality. However, his skills in photography improved and he got serious about the art using Cannon and then Fuji cameras.

Art gets transformed into children easily, especially when they have a parent with artistic abilities and potential. Same happened with Bruno and Rosiane, children of Maia, who learned to love photography. After spending some great time with her father capturing people and places, Rosiane later even became Maia's model. In her teens, she would observe professional models and learn the art of posing. Today, Maia has about 1 million photographs in his lightroom portfolio. His daughter not only learnt the art in front of the camera but also behind it, where she learnt how to capture shots as well.

Although Maia and Rosiane have travelled to some of the best and the most exotic locations and have captured beautiful images while travelling, still they find Iceland and Indonesia to be the best and the most photogenic places.

The father-daughter duo even got their shot images approved by Photo Vogue Italia. It isn't easy to get approved for portfolios to get approved by Vogue Italia editors, but Maia and Rosiane started by initially analyzing approved Vogue Italia portfolios and planned photoshoots to apply. They had planned a photo expedition in Indonesia, purchased the appropriate props and captured thousands of images on that trip. Maia edited the images after returning home and submitted them to Vogue Italia. His photography talent was identified and they got approved. They have today multiple of those shots and images at Photo Vogue Italia and Art + Commerce. His collection includes a variety of people's portraits and also indulges in capturing most scenic and travel places.

Maia confesses that he never shoots in a studio, for him nothing beats a natural environment. Also, most of his city portraits have been successful and amongst the most appreciated shots.

With spending so many years into the world of photography, and learning through the process till today, has catapulted Maia as a successful and sought-after photographer.