An item in actress Emily Blunt's bucket list was "to be lifted in the air by a bunch of men", and she ticked it off after filming a song in the 2018 film, "Mary Poppins Returns".
Looking back at the most difficult and favourite song from the musical, Blunt said: "I would say my favourite was 'Triple little light fantastic', I mean who wouldn't want to dance with 30 lamplighters. It's been a dream it is a #lifegoal. Bucket list done - To be lifted in the air by a bunch of men. The hardest was 'Cover is not the book' because of the animation and it was green screen!"
Starring in a "Mary Poppins Returns"
Disney's "Mary Poppins Returns" stars Blunt as the practically-perfect nanny with unique magical skills who can turn any ordinary task into a fantastic adventure. The sequel brought back Mary Poppins to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy missing in their lives following a personal loss.

Rob Marshall has directed the film from a screenplay by David Magee. The screen story is by Magee, Marshall and John DeLuca based upon the Mary Poppins Stories by PL Travers. PL Travers first introduced the world to the no-nonsense nanny in her 1934 children's book "Mary Poppins".
Talks about fears of taking on the iconic role
Talking about her biggest fears while taking the iconic role, she said: "Try and approach her as I would do any other role. Just approach her as fearlessly as possible and allow everything else to be white noise."
"Everyone gasping at me when I said 'I was playing Mary Poppins' and that sort of permeates you after a little while. You feel like you are meddling with the holy grail. I don't know I was just so thrilled by her and that sort of overtook any fear! One of my friends even said 'you got balls of steel!'. And to 'pre-role' Emily Blunt I would say "Who cares! Just do it! That's advice for life, there you go. That really is my life motto like 'Who cares! Get on with it!," she added. "Mary Poppins Returns" will air in India on Star Movies on April 26.